Historical Markers and War Memorials in Obion County (2024)


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Union City is the county seat for Obion County

Adjacent to Obion County, Tennessee

Dyer County(19)

Gibson County(41)

Lake County(9)

Weakley County(6)

Fulton County, Kentucky(12)

Hickman County, Kentucky(19)

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1Tennessee, Obion County, Rives — 4B 16 — Forrest's RaidDec. 23, 1862Historical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (1)
After destroying 15 miles of railroad in the Obion River bottoms, Forrest's Brigade captured the Federal garrison of Union City and destroyed railroad lines running northeast and southwest into Federal territory, as well as lines northward and . . . — Map (dbm155945) HM
2Tennessee, Obion County, Samburg — Reelfoot — An Earthquake LakeHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (2)
Reelfoot Lake is a by-product of the "New Madrid Earthquakes", a series of 1,874 recorded tremors centered generally about 70 miles southwest of the Lake, taking place from December 16, 1811 until March 8, 1812. The "hard shock” came at 3 . . . — Map (dbm155949) HM
3Tennessee, Obion County, Troy — Campground CemeteryHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (3)
Est. c 1833 Buried here families who founded Obion County in 1824 — Map (dbm155948) HM
4Tennessee, Obion County, Troy — 4B 32 — TroyHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (4)
Troy, first town in Obion County and county seat from 1825-1890, was laid out in 1825with the assistance of Davy Crockett, who later represented the district in Congress. In the nearby Obion River bottoms he made his record year's kill of bears, . . . — Map (dbm155947) HM
5Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Abraham Lincoln1809-1865Historical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (5)
President of the United States of America, during the American Civil War, 1861-1865.In the Nation's darkest years, Lincoln led the North in war, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and oversaw passage of the 13th Amendment, these acts . . . — Map (dbm106068) HM
6Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Ayn Rand 1905-1982Historical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (6)
Russian-American Novelist, Philosopher, Playwright, and Screenwriter. Rand is known for her two best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and Developing a Philosophical System called Objectivism. Atlas . . . — Map (dbm106066) HM
7Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Crawler - TransporterHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (7)
Crawler-transporters are gigantic machines used to transport rockets and spacecraft from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to Launch Complex 39 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The largest vehicle ever built, Crawler-transport 1 (CT-1) . . . — Map (dbm106008) HM
8Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Engineering the DomeHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (8)
Roman engineers built the first monumental domes around the 1st century BCE. Made of stone, they became heavier as they grew larger, and for centuries, dome size was limited by the weight of stone, concrete, and other materials. In the early 20th . . . — Map (dbm106010) HM
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9Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — F11F-1 TigerHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (9)
The F11F-1 Tiger, a single-seat carrier-based fighter, entered service in 1954 during an era of rapid advancement in aeronautical engineering. The proportion ratios of this aircraft and its swept-wing design are both the result of lessons learned . . . — Map (dbm106014) HM
10Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — 4B 34 — First Christian ChurchHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (10)
The Christian Church was organized in Obion County in 1848 at Old Republican MeetingHouse 4 miles west of Union City. Gen. G. W. Gibbs founded the city in 1854 and in 1856gave the lot for this, the city's first church. Despite the destruction of . . . — Map (dbm155926) HM
11Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — 4B 26 — First Monument to Unknown Confederate DeadHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (11)
Located five blocks north, the monument was dedicated on October 21, 1869. Some of the twenty-nine buried here died in training at Camp Brown in Union City, an important rail junction and staging area for the invasion of Kentucky. Others fell in . . . — Map (dbm155918) HM
12Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Geodesic DomeHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (12)
The MOON DOME is the geodesic dome. These lightweight domes are built with interlocking triangles for support. The fixed angles of a triangle make it an incredibly strong shape. If pressure is applied to one side of a triangle, that force is . . . — Map (dbm106011) HM
13Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Hobbs Drug StoreHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (13)
A tip of the hat to a bygone era, Hobbs Drug Store was built in 2013 and is designed to be reminiscent of the Soda Shop that flourished in the mid twentieth century. The wrought-iron store front was manufactured by Christopher & Simpson of St. . . . — Map (dbm106070) HM
14Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Liberty HallHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (14)
Designed in honor of the courthouse and municipal buildings that can be found in small towns across the country, Liberty Hall was built in the summer of 2012. This building houses exhibits featuring political figures and celebrates the founding of . . . — Map (dbm106072) HM
15Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — LR91-AJ -3 EngineHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (15)
Since the Titan I was a multi-stage Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), the vehicle was made up of parts (stages)that separated from the rest of the body once its engines ran out of fuel. This decrease in weight during the flight gave Titan I . . . — Map (dbm106075) HM
16Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — 4B 40 — Mt. Zion Christian Methodist Episcopal ChurchHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (16)
Congregation members, under the guidance of the Rev. W.E. Farmer, built Mt. Zion C.M.E. Church in 1896. The oldest African American church in Union City. it is part of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church denomination, which was founded in 1870, . . . — Map (dbm155924) HM
17Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Obion County Confederate MonumentHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (17)
[North side] 1861 To the Confederate soldiers of Obion County [West side] To the Confederate soldier of Obion County who was killed in battle who was starved in Federal prisons, and who has preserved Anglo- . . . — Map (dbm192709) WM
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18Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — PrometheusTitan from Greek MythologyHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (18)
Titans were deities that existed before the Olympian Gods, and Prometheus was known as the protector and benefactor of mankind.Zeus, the king of the Olympian Gods, took fire away from mankind after Prometheus angered him with his . . . — Map (dbm106036) HM
19Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Ronald Reagan1911-2004Historical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (19)
President of the United States of America, served two terms from 1981-1989 During his inaugural speech, he called for an era of national renewal and hoped that America would again be 'A beacon of hope for those who do not have freedom.' He . . . — Map (dbm106040) HM
20Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Stem LandingScience, Technology, Engineering, and MathHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (20)
Stem Landing is a showcase of just a tiny sampling of great STEM achievements and is dedicated in the hopes that it will help inspire more in the future.STEM is not a new concept. Human beings have always been scientists, observing the world . . . — Map (dbm106074) HM
21Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — The Barber ShopHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (21)
This building is a reproduction of the Barber Shop that stood on the corner of High and North Church Streets in Rives, Tennessee. Built in 1894, it was run by Sam Dickery and his son, Melvin, until 1967. The original structure was added to the . . . — Map (dbm106071) HM
22Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — The ChapelHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (22)
The Chapel was donated to the Discovery Park of America by the Eldridge Cemetery Association. Built in 1896 as the New Chapel United Methodist Church. The Chapel was moved here in the summer of 2012 and restored to appear as it did during the first . . . — Map (dbm106073) HM
23Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — The Confederate States of AmericaHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (23)
When the Confederate states declared themselves as separate nation, a new flag was needed. The first national flag of the Confederacy, flying here, was known as the "Stars and Bars." The 13 stars reflect the Confederate claims to Missouri and . . . — Map (dbm106035) HM
24Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — The DepotHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (24)
Built in 2012, the Depot is modeled after two historic train stations. Matson Switch, located nearby between Woodland Mills, Tennessee and Hickman, Kentucky, and was the site of Civil War action in 1864. The Cookeville Train Depot in Cookeville, . . . — Map (dbm106042) HM
25Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — The FirehouseHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (25)
The Firehouse was built in 2012, and is modeled after the firehouse in Harper's Ferry Arsenal, West Virginia, the site of abolitionist John Brown's 1859 slave revolt and capture by Robert E. Lee. — Map (dbm106065) HM
26Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — The United States of AmericaHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (26)
As the outset of the war, the flag of the United States of America featured 33 stars. The Federal Government did not recognize the secession of the Confederate States and left a star for each of the national flag throughout the war. A 34th star was . . . — Map (dbm106064) HM
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27Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Thomas Jefferson1743-1826Historical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (27)
President of the United States of America, served two terms from 1801-1809Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, a Charter of America and Universal LibertiesDrafted in 1776.He became the Nation's First . . . — Map (dbm106069) HM
28Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Titan 1 Launch ComplexHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (28)
Fifty Four Titan I's were divided into six squadrons during their deployment. Each squadron was made up of three launch complexes, and each complex housed three missiles in hardened silos. The entire launch complex was buried deep underground, and . . . — Map (dbm106016) HM
29Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Titan IHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (29)
Development of the Titan I first began in 1955 when the U. S. Air Force decided they needed a backup to their Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), The Atlas, in case the program failed. They wanted a larger, two-stage missile that could travel . . . — Map (dbm106017) HM
30Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — UH-1B IroquoisHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (30)
The Bell UH-1B Iroquois, more commonly known as the "Huey," was designed as the U. S. Army's first operational turboshaft helicopter in 1955. In 1961, the Army requested improvements, resulting in the UH-1B that was used extensively in Vietnam. . . . — Map (dbm106018) HM
31Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Union City JunctionHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (31)
Union City started as a railroad town :General George Washington Gibbs received 5,000 acres from Martin Armstrong, of North Carolina, in 1829 in exchange for Gibbs' legal services. A charter was received to build tracks from Nashville to . . . — Map (dbm106041) HM
32Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Union City, Mobile and Ohio Railroad DepotHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (32)
National Register Tennessee Historical Commission Union City Mobile & Ohio Depot of Historic PlacesMap (dbm192710) HM
33Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Unknown Confederate Dead MonumentHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (33)
(North-facing side)Unknown Confederate Dead — Map (dbm155922) WM
34Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — Unknown Soldier MonumentAn Early Memorial Reported permanently removed
This 1869 memorial to unknown Confederate dead is one of the oldest Civil War monuments in Tennessee and is a rare example of Reconstruction-era memorialization. The monument's location within a cemetery reflects the mourning element common to the . . . — Map (dbm155920) HM
35Tennessee, Obion County, Union City — YP-84A ThunderjetHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in ObionCounty (34)
An XP-84 Thunderjet prototype was first flown in 1946 and reached a top speed of 607.2 mph, making it the fastest American-designed aircraft of the time. These prototypes were followed by the production of fifteen YP-84A models, one of which is . . . — Map (dbm106076) HM
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Jul. 27, 2024

Historical Markers and War Memorials in Obion County (2024)


What is the oldest war monument in America? ›

Lexington Green, Lexington, MA. Erected on July 4, 1799, Lexington's Revolutionary War Monument is the oldest war memorial in the United States.

When were the Great war memorials built? ›

Huge numbers of memorials were built in the 1920s and 1930s, with around 176,000 erected in France alone. This was a new social phenomenon and marked a major cultural shift in how nations commemorated conflicts.

What monument was built to honor Americans who died fighting? ›

Memorials Built by ABMC

Three memorials in Washington, D.C. – the American Expeditionary Forces Memorial, the Korean War Memorial and the World War II Memorial – were established by ABMC and are now administered by the National Park Service.

What is the oldest existing monument on the earth? ›

Built about 9000 BC, Göbekli Tepe is the oldest known human-made religious structure. More than twice as old as Stonehenge, it predates the discovery of metals, pottery or even the wheel.

Where are the 3 monuments to the missing of WWII? ›

The West Coast Memorial is one of three A.B.M.C. memorials on U.S. soil dedicated to missing soldiers of World War II;the others are the East Coast Memorial at Battery Park in New York City and the Honolulu Memorial in Hawaii.

Why do war memorials say 1919? ›

First World War dates on war memorials

The 1919 date refers to the year when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. This was the peace treaty drawn up by the nations who attended the Paris Peace Conference and officially ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers when it was signed on 28th June 1919.

What was the first monument in the Civil War? ›

On December 5, 1861, the residents of several Philadelphia suburbs gathered at Hatboro, Pennsylvania, to dedicate a monument to the men of their community who had died during the Battle of Crooked Billet on May 1, 1778.

What was the first war ever in America? ›

The Revolutionary War (1775-1783)

What is the oldest archeological remains in North America? ›

The only rival to Cooper's Ferry as the oldest site in North America is the Gault site in Texas. Researchers dated that site to about 16,000 years ago by optical luminescence, a method with larger error bars than radiocarbon dating.

Which is older Bunker Hill monument or Washington Monument? ›

The Bunker Hill Monument is older than the Washington Monument. The Bunker Hill Monument was completed in 1842 to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill during the American Revolutionary War.


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