Special Report With Bret Baier : FOXNEWSW : August 2, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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what that was. very terrifying. >> love it. jimmy, try to beat that. >> first and foremost, fox news saturday night, tomorrow night 10:00 eastern standard time. i carried this show and i will carry that one. [laughter] i kid! was into the ego on this guy. here we go. great dad prank. who doesn't love a great dad frank? this dad was concerned he would be able to spot his suitcase at the airport so his daughter bring to him and his face on it and put fonts on it. it is a hilarious story but does not have a happy ending. the daughter's luggage stolen by sam burton. she had nothing to wear. >> that would be fun punk and color-blind people or blind people. constantly. i would have so much fun if i knew a blind guy. see you guys later. [laughter] >> is this a long week, jesse? did it feel like a long week? >> seems like every week is a long week. >> i feel like that toddler.

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all right, have a good one. >> bret: welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. two weeks before the start of democrats convention in chicago, the party says vice president kamala harris has enough votes to win the nomination, but who will be her running mate? another controversy over gender and the olympic women's boxing tournament. we will take you there pick whatever happened to banning tiktok? breaking tonight: fresh fears of a recession. yes, the r word, significant economic slow down. this fall as a sharp decline in hiring last month, and a rise in the employment rate. employers added just 114,000 positions, jobs, far fewer than the 175,000 predicted. the jobless rate rose to 4.3%, the highest since october 2021. wall street did not take this news well. the dow plunged 611, the s&p 500 finished off 100, the nasdaq

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lost 418. for the week, the dow i am s he fell about 2%. the nasdaq was down 3.33. here to help us make sense of all of this -- fox business. good evening. why the sell-off today? >> thanks so much. the sell-off basically is indicative of people understanding that the economy is slowing. investors are watching credit card debt up, inflation continuing to cut into wages, and an economy that is showing real slow down. they're worried the federal reserve is not going to be able to cut interest rates with enough time to head off a recession. that's what we saw play out today. you are seeing the cost of living is the main issue here. inflation up about 20% in the last three and a half years. i would also say it has something to do with the election as well. when donald trump was rising in the polls when he was just competing against joe biden, we had a real rally.

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people were thinking that perhaps donald trump would return to the white house and bring his economic policies along with him, business friendly policies, but the bedding has narrowed. real clear politics batting average says jump returning to the white house stands at 51.3% versus nearly 70% right after the debate with president biden. that is an issue, because we don't really understand what kamala harris' plans are for the economy: only what she said of in the past. >> you have this interview with the present. i told that energy and more tariffs are going to turn the economy around. let's take a listen. >> explained to us how your economic policies that will impact the lives of american citizens differs from kamala harris' economic policies. >> i don't have enough time. you would have to give me like the entire day. number one, basic, strong wind energy. we have more energy.

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we have more liquid gold as i call it under our feet than saudi arabia, then russia, then anybody. we're going to be energy dominant. we are going to make a fortune. we are going to supply all over europe, all over the world. we're going to be double and triple what they are doing. we are going to have tremendous energy, and we're going to lower our prices of energy. people in new england pay some of the highest prices and their world. new york will not let a pipe when go through a poor section of new york where they need the jobs. number one. number two, we are going to do a tariff system. we will bring back our auto jobs. we will say to people "we don't want your cars. we will tariff those products and reciprocal tariffs will taken a fortune," but we will tariff the jobs. we want them to build plants in the united states. right now, some of the biggest plants on the world for automobiles are being built where? mexico. right on the border. they are going to make cars and sell them into the united states, and those people in michigan that love me and

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that i love and that are going to give us a victory because the auto industry will not exist in two years if she gets elected. >> would also struck you in this interview? >> he articulated how he believes he could put the economy back on a sustained growth trajectory. he talks about energy. he says if you are not -- the capacity in america, you do two things: you create high-paying jobs in the energy sector. you are able to sound like the oil to europe and other places, but it also takes inflation down. the more supply of oil on the market will take energy and oil and gas prices lower, and that's going to help inflation. the underlying component in inflation is energy. oil goes in everything in terms of transportation, technology. he is trying to hit two birds with one stone by using the energy spigot. he wants to extend tax cuts and cut regular should as well.

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>> it's fascinating. especially on this day as people are looking at the economy and wondering what is coming forward. this weekend, you might as will take the whole republican ticket. you got j.d. vance on your show sunday 10:00 a.m., sunday morning futures. we will be sure to tune in. maria as always, thank you. >> thank you, bret. >> the director of secret service is the failed assassination of president trump was a mission failure but there were no significant relations in today's first agency news conference since the shots were fired almost three weeks ago. correspondent david spud has details tonight, and it sort of groundhog day, not learning, not much. >> it is. they are given details but figuring out what the new details are. the acting secret service director continued his apology toward and vowed to be better. >> the secret service takes full responsibility for the tragic events of july 13th end. this a mission failure.

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>> we asked the director about this video obtained by fox digital from james copenhaver, one of the man who was shot and survived on july 14th, the man who appears to be the shooter on the roof running side to side. when the video was synced to the former president's speech is almost 3 minutes from that moment to the mom of former president was shot. >> that building was close to the outer perimeter. the bottom line is this: this was a secret service failure. that roofline should have been covered. we should've had better eyes on that. >> the director insisted that the secret service was not a mayor there was a man -- aware that there was a man on the roof until shots were fired. credits are asking how that's possible when a video that we just played show someone on the roof in the line of sight of spectators while the former president is speaking. communications were overloaded with calls in the secret service may have missed important warnings, something they will look into. whistle-blower recently came forward to the missouri

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senator and said -- personally got funding for counter surveillance measures, with plainclothes agents hiding in the crowd. here is what he said when we asked. >> i did not. >> we have talked to several in the secret service who said that morale is low in the agency at this point. when longtime agent characterized to us -- calling managers "the kings of cover-up." this person said the three things that failed us "where lack of communication -- a leadership issue -- like a personnel, and lack of use of technology --" which is also a leadership issue. this person went on to say that the people "that need to be fired of people in leadership." this is a long time secret service agent. director told us that if people are fired it would be public and he would tell us. people are afforded due process. the fbi criminal investigation continues into the actual shooting itself. the fbi's doing criminal interviews and that will take a while. the secret service is just doing an administrative review. >> we will follow along.

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thank you. breaking tonight: speaking of security, a man who says he has documents linking the trumpet shooting to the chinese government is in custody tonight in florida. he is charged with trying to enter the former president's mar-a-lago estate. they are in palm beach tonight with the latest on that. good evening. >> 48-year-old -- was arrested two days ago. it was not his first attempt in getting into mar-a-lago. according to arrest reports, on july 19th, he pulled up to the estate's main gate in a previous and told secret service agents that he had documents proving china was involved in the attempted assassination. they were told by police that he would be arrested if he came back to mar-a-lago. because of this interaction, secret service increased security around mar-a-lago, closing roads around the estate that still remain closed today.

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leave lingered in the area just three days after he tried to get into mar-a-lago. cameras around palm beach tracked his previous going back and forth over the royal park bridge. week after that on july 30th at 10:00 a.m., lee drove past secret service points. now in violation of a trespassing warning, he was arrested. it's important to note that trump was not a mar-a-lago that day. a judge did give him a no contact order for a former president trump and anyone associated with him or his campaign. he is not the first chinese citizen to face charges for trying to gain access to mar-a-lago. a woman was arrested in 2019 after the secret service said she lied to get into the club. the former president trump doesn't split his time between new jersey and palm beach that show does split his time between new jersey and palm beach during the summer. expected to travel to atlanta for a campaign rally.

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county records show he is still sitting in jail, this man, on a $10,000 bond and is expected to be in court on monday. we are hoping to get more insight on this whole interaction here in palm beach. >> thank you so much. as mentioned at the top of the show, vice president kamala harris has secured enough delegate votes to w win back the democratic residential nomination. already making that announcement more than two weeks ahead of its chicago convention. now, everyone wants to see who she will choose to join her on the ticket. senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has details from the north lawn. >> good evening. tonight, we learned a big new hire for the harris campaign, the former obama campaign manager and senior white house advisor david plus. there are reports that more obama era campaign veterans are filling up the ranks. >> bottom line: i say to all the

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friends on the call, we are going to win this election. >> vice president harris is officially the democratic nominee for president, after securing the majority of ballots submitted by convention delegates. her campaign had a massive july fund-raising haul: $310 million, bringing cash are meant to $377 million. trump raised almost $139 million at the same time, his war chest is now $327 million. anticipation for the running mate pick also generated energy. >> unless it's a disastrous vice presidential choice, this momentum will leave her in the lead at the end of the democratic convention. >> the decision could have an impact. >> ronald reagan picked a respected member of congress. the numbers for reagan as a competent leader rise. john mccain picks sarah palin, his numbers drop. something about the person of the top. >> president biden says he chatted with harris but is not giving her any steers. pennsylvania's governor, among the short listers canceling their weekend travel plans, as harris finalizes her decision >>

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want me to tell you what i'm doing? come on guys. >> state lawmakers joining dolomite joking he might not be around for long. >> of not sure he might be available. if you ask now. could change. all right. all right. >> plug-in now. >> i'm sorry. >> doubling efforts for his release from russia. >> we are not giving up on that. >> want me to tell you ahead of time. >> still reveling in the afterglow. >> what made you feel so confident? >> heads of state. >> the president was in good spirits on the tarmac after the prisoner swap. took a lot of questions. he said that the killing of hamas' leader does not help chances for a cease-fire deal, but declined to say whether he

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thinks iran will strike back. he's in delaware for the weekend. we learned tonight that hunter biden's sentencing is scheduled for november, one week after the election. >> thank you. up next, tensions remain high in the middle east as israel prepares for a wider conflict with iran-vaxxed terrorists. first, fox affiliates around this country covering tonight. fox 13 from tampa. florida governor ron desantis declares a state of emergency ahead of a potential tropical storm or cyclone. the station's meteorologist says the system has a 90% chance of formation within the next week. the governor's office is saying that there is a significant threat of heavy rainfall over most of the state with the possibility of at least 12 inches over the next seven days long with wind gusts and rising tides. fox five in new york, pop star justin timberlake pleads not guilty to driving under the influence. timberlake appeared virtually

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during a court session on long island. his lawyer removed a motion to dismiss the case. his license was officially suspended in the state of new york. this is a live look at seattle from fox 13. one of the scores there tonight. u.s. navy blue angels appear at the 75th anniversary of the seafarer airshow. that event runs through sunday. the blue angels are scheduled to start the first show in just a few minutes. that's tonight's live look. outside, "special report." we will be right back. ♪ (man) oh, come on. (woman) ugh. (vo) trade in any phone, in any condition. guaranteed. and get $800 off the new galaxy z fold6. only on verizon. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science.

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>> senior officials in ukraine it's ukraine say russian salts are raising pressure on the strategic eastern logistics hub of photographs dolomite -- waves of guided ancestry have led to some of moscow's largest territorial gains since the spring. when ukrainian volunteer says the push is fueling a surge in civilians fully with the request for evacuation in the area increasing about ten fold the past two weeks. a half-dozen masked assailants have ransacked the headquarters of venezuelan opposition figure maria karina machado.

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escalation of violence against the president nicolas maduro's opponents following the disputed election. their party says that they broke down doors and hauled away valuable documents and equipments. meantime, the secretary of state antony blinken says it's clear to the united states that opposition leader and mondo goods al -- the opposition leader will make the most votes in the presidential election. breaking tonight: senior pentagon officials say that the pentagon will soon boost military presence on the middle east, saying they have a fighter jet squadron, keeping an aircraft carrier in that region. this comes as israel is bracing for retaliation following the death of a terror leader in hamas. iran and its regional allies are vowing a response to the killing of the leader who was buried today. or correspondent reports tonight live from tel aviv. good evening.

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>> the pentagon confirming that the u.s. will send more fighter jets, military ballistic defense capable cruisers, and destroyers to the middle east specifically to support israel and its threats against iran and its proxies. >> buried in -- thousands morning the hamas political leader who was killed while in tehran on wednesday. his death, as part of a series of regional assassinations of senior leaders of hamas and hezbollah has triggered unrest across the middle east. around vows retaliation against israel, and hezbollah in lebanon warns that this conflict is changing. >> the enemies and friends know that we are on all the fronts. we have entered a new phase. >> the idf in its heightened state of readiness release new footage of interception tests pick the chief of the general staff today told reservists -- >> let those who attacked the

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citizens of the state of israel know that we are ready to go far together, very precise intelligence to strike and to kill. >> israel is turning to its allies -- this defense minister held talks with the u.s. defense secretary lloyd alston about military cooperation between the two countries. washington says it is working to bolster protection for u.s. forces regionwide. >> and to ensure that the united states is repaired to respond. >> the chances of a secluded war, airlines are canceling flights to israel and through irani and airspace, and cyprus says it is mobilizing its long-standing evacuation plan which allows nations to move their citizens through the mediterranean island. >> here on the ground in israel, there is not the feeling of panic, but there is preparation with people stocking up by buying more -- generator, some even leaving tel aviv as they

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see it as a potential likely threat, and some government officials reportedly have been given satellite phones overgrown concern of communications potentially going down. >> alex hogan live in tel aviv. thank you. next, the second athlete previously disqualified for not meeting gender criteria competes against a female competitor in olympic boxing. we will take you there. then come our "whatever happens to" report on the potential tiktok band. first, beyond our borders tonight. at least nine are killed by nigerian security forces as protesters class with police during mass demonstrations over the country's economic crisis according to a rights group. nigerian authorities say that a police officer was killed, and several others were injured. fire sweeps through a part of a small building in manila's crowded chinatown district. at least 11 killed. police have an investigation to determine the cause of the blaze. this is a live look at london.

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one of the big stories there tonight, the conservationists celebrate the recent birth of a -- one of the rarest animals on earth. it's also tough to say. england's chester zoo. experts say it will shine a spotlight on overlooked species of which there are more than six, no more than 600 left in the wild. only 600. some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. it's pods biggest sale of the summer is extended. save up to 25% on moving and storage until august 12 and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. visit pods.com today. (♪) i got it. i got it. discover performance in rare form. you got it... but she's delayed. get offers on select f sport models at the golden opportunity sales event.

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that program. the department confirmed the move to fox news digital -- an abundance of caution. a white house spokesperson tells fox news that the administration is committed to holding accounted to accountable individuals to front end abuses should be thoroughly investigated. the program permits illegal entry of up to 30,000 nationals a month from cuba, haiti, nicaragua, and venezuela. former president trump is promising to keep men out of women's sports if elected. this comes as a second olympic boxer who had been disqualified from a previous event after failing to meet gender eligibility criteria competed today in france. senior foreign affairs correspondent -- has the story. >> another controversial face-off at the paris olympics. was pakistan's woman boxers -- against this taiwanese boxer. like this fellow competitor, was disqualified from recent women's

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boxing tournaments by the international boxing association, after failing a gender eligibility test. there were no dramatic knockouts, lynn dominated with the unanimous decision to the judges. the former president of taiwan posted on her facebook page "let's cheer for them to get a." was seeking victory for herself and honor for taiwan. it was different yesterday when this italian angela karina stormed off after a quick and rough tangle. while they apologized today for her abrupt departure, the italian prime minister giorgia meloni compared about their -- complain about their inclusion. >> not because we want to discriminate against anyone, but to protect the right of female athletes to compete on equal terms. >> former president trump was more blunt, posting on his "truth" social account, "i will keep men out of women's sports." and on the streets of paris, there was a small but noisy protest against the ioc's decision regarding the boxers. >> shouldn't be there in the

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first place. >> this as olympic officials continue their defense of allowing the two fighters to compete. the ioc has stripped recognition of the russian lead iba as a governing body for boxing due to a lack of transparency, but admitted that there was a need for greater clarity on gender fair play. >> it's not a black-and-white issue. we would at the ifc be very interested to hear of such a solution. >> the subvariant is back in the ring tomorrow against hungary's -- and they said "i'm not scared." brave words. >> thank you. the justice department as soon tiktok and this parent company for failing to protect children's privacy in the social media app. the government says tiktok violated the children's online privacy protection act and requires services aimed at children to obtain parental consent to collect personal information from users under the age of 13. tiktok response saying the

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allegations relate to past events and that they are factually inaccurate or have been addressed. segment ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this proves us to tonight's "whatever happens to" segment. we look at the possible band of tiktok. if it does not cut ties with china. fox business correspondent -- >> rain delay. go. speak of the nationwide tiktok band did not go anywhere. it could still happen, but that's not stopping both major party presidential candidates from leveraging the wildly popular social media platform to try to appeal to young voters. >> biden wants to get rid of tiktok. you know i? he has no idea what he's doing. [laughter] >> even the former president trump first learned to ban the apple while in the white house, now he is on it and promising to save it. >> the president is now in tiktok. >> terms running mate

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senator j.d. vance joined this week as well. just after launching her presidential campaign -- >> i thought i would get on her myself. >> vice president kamala harris log on, despite the fact that president biden signed the law that could lead to its eventual ban. >> why is the vice president, why are they still making videos for tiktok? >> it's the campaign's decision. i would refer you to the campaign. we have been clear: we are not trying to ban tiktok. we are not trying to ban tiktok. we are talking about a divestment. >> it forces tiktok's parent company to sound like it or risk a band. the deadline to divest is the day before next year's inauguration, although the government could extend it. tiktok is fighting back, suing the u.s. government, arguing that the possible ban violates america's first amendment right to free speech. the justice department says that the chinese government could collect data from the app or manipulate its algorithm to influence user's views, charges

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the company's ceo denies. >> we do not promote or remove content at the request of the chinese government. >> the court cases heading to oral arguments next month. tiktok is a ready band on government funds belonging to federal employees. this week, staffers in the house of representatives were told they can't use any app owned by bite stands. we reached out to the trenton harris campaigns about the tiktok use and points for it if elected, but have not heard back. >> thank you. next, the panel, with the latest on the presidential race, plus -- it's friday later. that means notable quotable's. g. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪

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>> i am so proud to confirm that vice president harris will be the nominee of the democratic party. >> there is a sugar high that kamala harris has brought to this race. folks are upbeat for making that change, but it doesn't change the structure of this race. >> i will say this to my fellow democrats: i wouldn't get sugar high on anything because if the election were today, chances are we're going to lose. they need to get off that and get to work. >> it's been quite something and now it is official: democrats

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have nominated vice president kamala harris as their nominee. "the washington post" offi officially -- she secures the nomination with more than 4,000 convention delegates. they had until monday to submit their ballots but no other candidate qualified to challenge harris making her selection all but certain. harris crossed the threshold a day after online balloting be began. just announced, 310 million for july compared to the trump campaign, 139 million, closer than the overall 377-327. you look at the politics average which is creeping closer and closer together. this is an average of recent polls. some polls that have kamala harris up, swing states seem to be holding roughly about where they were june 26th for the last debate. that's where we are as we set the table. hogan gidley is a former trump campaign administration communications official who is now with the ame --

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america first policy official -- now with -- governmental affairs of the clean and administration and axios political reporter. i will start with you because you have the easiest title. [laughter] what you think about this right now? is tight. >> the race is tight. it was tight before but it's a contrast from a few weeks ago when axios and others were reporting so many democrats saying the election is over. they felt their chances were done, the trump had this in the bag. there was despair among democrats. that's not there anymore. there is a lot of excitement behind kamala harris. it was a historic switch on the ticket so that's driving some of the excitement, but the fund-raising numbers don't lie. the polls are improving after six months of biden being down from trump and really no movement there. democrats have a lot to be excited about, but there is still a long way to go before november and a lot we don't know

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about, her spirit she doesn't have a history of being particularly liked. >> and doesn't this week, it hasn't answered any questions. took an impromptu question on the tarmac last night. the answer was a little all over the place, but there haven't been a lot of report questions on policy issues, which makes a debate that much more interesting potentially. here's maria bartiromo with the former president on that issue. >> are you going to debate her? >> well, i want to. i come out we are leaving in the polls it seems by quite a bit still pick she is better than he has but i think ultimately, she will be worse than him. if it into the debate, they would say "trump is not doing the debate," same thing they will say now. right now, i say why shouldn't i? i'm leading in the polls. everybody knows her and everybody knows me. >> walking around the answer. the harris campaign quick to jump on this. donald trump needs to man up, said he's got no problem spreading lies and hateful

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garbage at his rallies or interviews with right-wing commentators but is apparently too scared to do anything across the stage from the vice president of the united states. what do you make of this? >> first of all, he's not afraid of anything and i think we all know that, but interestingly enough, kamala harris is more radical than joe biden and less likable. she is being protected in a way i've never seen the mainstream media protect anybody in politics in my 20 years. not asking her any questions and just taking rode comments from staffers that say she has flip-flopped on all these positions. no one has asked her if she has had a change of heart, because they know it's a problem for her: not just the fact that she is wishy-washy, that she is fake, but she will say and do anything to get elected. this is the same woman who went on a debate stage and call joe biden a segregationist and a sex criminal and then served beside him for four years. no one has ever asked if that was true. this was after she worked with

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joe biden's son and did events with joe biden. it's a problem for democrats, but the quicker republicans get back to focusing on the issues that matter to the american people and paint the fact that a harris/biden administration have hurt us in so many different ways in the last four years, the better off they will be. >> by bouncing off of that with the economy and the jobs number today. it was disappointing. 114,000, 4.3 unemployment, and sent the markets into jittery territory, and the r word popped up on wall street. whether that will happen or not, a recession. how much does that factor to where we are on this race, even with this amazing launch, clearly both sides say she had a good lunch. >> no doubt she had a phenomenal launch. we were headed to chicago for a funeral and now wedding. very different feel. the economy is always incredibly important. oddly enough, 4.3 is pretty low

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for unemployment. on employment is not an issue in this campaign. i've been doing politics for 37 years. this is the first time unemployment is not an issue. what is the issue is prices, inflation. inflation has been coming down and it is still too high for folks. what we did not see the fed do yesterday is what they should have done, which is cut rates. today's job port makes it clear they have screwed up. that's not a joe biden or kamala harris problem: that is a fed problem and hopefully they will fix that soon. >> how much do you think the race is about the economy? how much does vice president harris were on the economy? >> every race is always about the economy. it's always issue number one. people pick their presidents in a way that is different than the way they go for governor, senator, any other office. it is not about exactly matching issue by issue: it's how do you about these people. i have to strongly disagree with hogan about how people feel

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about kamala harris. there's a whole bunch of people that feel really good about her, and there is an enormous swath of the country that feels very bad about donald trump. they know him well, they don't like him. >> we are on our site consideration of trying to figure out the stakes on the other side, veep. your other candidates speaking out. >> some unflattering to even be mentioned in this context. it's a very important choice, and she will make the choice that is right for her. >> not going to get into any of that. i'm going to be focused on making sure she is the next president. >> the vice president has a deeply personal decision to make right now. i trust she will make that decision on her own terms when she is ready. >> the only way i would consider something other than this current job -- could further help their people and help this country. >> a place we call candidate casino. this is the vp harris choice.

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$100 in chips. you get to pull them on the table. >> going all in on governor shapiro. >> we rarely see the black ship. >> and going all in. there are signs indicating it could be him and he is politically the smartest choice. could conduct a pennsylvania. if there's anything she can do to get a few extra voters in that state, that will be critical. >> and the launch is starting tuesday from philadelphia, so another sign. there is a mayor of philadelphia a video that surfaced today and they say it is an endorsem*nt. $100 in chips >> i hedge my bets. i used some of my sources putting on my old reporter hat, and i gave what, 75 to ship year end 20 took governor walz just in case. i'm hearing rumblings there, but i left kelly on because -- >> from arizona. >> -- yes, because as more began to come out you see a lot of the jockeying on the

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republican side between these people who could be the nominee, the candidate. deceit and backbiting biting each other. we will see if shapiro has enough to last. >> $100 in chips. >> and spreading around the table. we have amazing candidates. any of them would be great. all comes down to his chemistry. who does she feel the best with and look the best with. i sought in '92 when clinton picked gore. they were basically identical to the chemistry was amazing. just exploded woman walked into a room. >> she's doing the interviews this week end, we will see. next, the friday lightning round. gender issues, olympic boxing, "notable quotables." i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪

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olympic scandal. it's a big deal here in the u.s. >> here in this country, we are always taught as young men never, ever do you hit a woman. now the left and kamala harris, not just allow it but celebrate it. they endorsed somebody winning a medal in the olympics for it. this is a problem for the left and this cultural issue has now been catapulted back into the mainstream conversation. because of this international competition we all's on tv, that punch may have heard the democrats. >> intake is important to be clear, khelif was assigned female at birth, is not transgender, did fail one of the tests for a previous world championship that she was going to participate in. this is complicated and nuanced. this is certainly raised this conversation among republicans, this conversation around gender. >> bret: riley gaines is one

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of people who have been talking about this and she put out the rewrite went into effect today. the rule she said's, gender identity 52 years of progress protections have been erased with the stroke of a pen. 26 states have sued to block the rule. to hogan's point, don't you think this is more of an issue here -- not because of the olympics but because of where we are? >> there's no question this issue is a real one but i don't think the olympic thing is real. this is a woman, she was raised as a girl, she lives in a country where being transgender is illegal and extraordinarily dangerous. i think this is a tempest in a teapot. >> bret: winner or loser, start down there. >> winner, ruben gallego running for senate in arizona, he got kari lake the weakest senate candidate you could possibly imagine, he is going to win. loser, j.d. vance. he had to say himself he's

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basically irrelevant after trump said at and he also has to explain to his kids who have an indian american mother and a white father that somehow they have to choose. >> my winter is some simone biles proving once again she is the greatest of all time. we love seeing a gold medal win for the u.s. losers, stab's prime steakhouse have an answer many questions that are not policy this week. >> the winner of the american people in the butler, pennsylvania, rally who took those videos, we know the secret service was ill-equipped to handle that to expose so many lies they have been telling the american people and hopefully they will shore up their security for everybody involved in this. the loser is that boxer, imane khelif. of us never write for a man to hit a woman i think it's a big problem. >> bret: panel, thanks, have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ it is friday, it's been a long

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week. time for notable quarter is. >> i acknowledge this was a failure -- >> somebody has failed, a former president was shot. >> this could have been our texas school book depository. >> this is an unprecedented moment for the middle east and they are threatening retaliation for the strike. >> chance for a cease-fire ruined after the assassination? >> was not helpful. >> i don't think war is inevitable. >> people in venezuela are standing up forcefully against the predations of a socialist dictatorship. >> we remember what those four years were like. today, we were given yet another reminder. >> i don't know is she indian or is she black? >> she has the great benefit of not being joe biden. >> kamala harris is a phony. >> what is your message? >> his choosing j.d. vance was the best decision he ever made for democrats. >> the world is on fire,

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terrorism is rampant. we gave a plea deal to the mastermind of 9/11? >> also, vladimir. >> we have been pulling for this moment for a long time. >> how does it finally feel to be home? >> bret: that's good news. monday on special report, the latest on president harasses running mate selection. join jacqui heinrich in for jashannon bream. catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. east coast. it's been a newsy week, we have you covered. thanks for an fedex in your home tonight. that's it for this special report, fair, balanced and still unafraid to. the ingraham angle is next, i think we have a shot of the capital. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening everyone i'm laura ingraham,

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