'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (2024)

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (1)

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When her sons were old enough to understand, Michelle Turner sat them down for what’s known to many Black parents simply as “the talk” — about how to act, and how not to act, if they’re ever stopped by law enforcement.

“But I never imagined preparing and training Black girls,” says the principal at Urbana’s Dr. Martin LutherKingJr.Elementary. “This makes me rethink everything.”

A week that started with the historic news of the Democratic Party backing a Black woman for president took a turn for the horrific a day later, when body-cam video was released Monday showing a White sheriff’s deputy, who was responding to a Springfield woman’s 911 call, shooting 36-year-old Sonya Massey three times in the head in her own kitchen.

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (2)

“What was he scared of?” wonders Champaign native Lisa Gaye Dixon, a University of Illinois professor emerita and one of two dozen local Black women who shared their feelings with The News-Gazette this week for a two-part series. “A woman — a petite woman, in her nightgown, and the one who had actually called them.

“I always think: Are the officers so scared of all people of color so much that they feel they are in danger from us all the time?”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (3)

In one of her first statements since being tabbed by Joe Biden to take his spot atop the Democratic ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris called the footage “disturbing” and a sign that, four years after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd, “we have much work to do to ensure that our justice system fully lives up to its name.”

Kamala Harris: "Sonya Massey deserved to be safe. After she called the police for help, she was tragically killed in her own home at the hands of a responding officer sworn to protect and serve."https://t.co/ExmuYMAsC6 pic.twitter.com/hbTTsKYK37

— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) July 23, 2024

In the days leading up to Sunday's National Day of Mourning, we asked local women: If you could bring yourself to watch it, what emotions did you feel while viewing the body-cam video made public by the Illinois State Police.


Carl L. Vacketta Professor of Law, University of Illinois

“As a criminal law scholar, several key words come to mind. Cruel. Premeditated. Malicious. Unjustifiable. Murder.

“But ultimately, ‘predatory’ is the word I return to.

“This interaction was not about typical law enforcement concerns: safety, violence or investigation. From the moment the officer came to her door, he spoke to her as if she were a roach or other infestation to be exterminated. Not like a human being whose life — though perhaps different from his — had meaning and mattered.

“Women’s lives — and the choices they make that govern their lives — matter. Black lives matter. This is the society we enable when we forget that.”


Senior clinical therapist, Rosecrance Central Illinois

“I was facilitating a therapy group when I received your email. There are three African American women in the group. One of them actually brought the video up and asked if anyone else in the group watched it.

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (5)

“Some group members hadn’t heard about it, others had but hadn’t watched the video, and some had seen the video. It was interesting when one of the white males in the group said rather non-chalantly that he doesn’t pay attention to things that don’t affect him.

“I don’t think he meant any harm and spoke from a place of self-care. Yet, it resonated with me. It reinforced what many in the African American community feel is indifference towards the daily grievances we as a people deal with on a daily basis.

“We deal with the emotional weight of acts like these occurring one after another with no change in the foreseeable future. The load is heavy!

“How do I feel? I hurt for her loved ones. I have a mixed bag of emotions from sadness and grief to frustration and anger. But mostly, I feel demoralized, devalued; yet I remain committed to making a difference through each life that I touch in my daily life and work.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (6)


Program manager, Cancer Center at Illinois

“I watched some of the full video. Don’t do it. You can’t unsee or unhear her gurgling and gasping for air.

“As a Black woman, I was positively horrified and sickened. Devastated.

“Yet another reminder that we reside in the belly of the beast. It’s depressing.”


Vice president, Rantoul City Schools board

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (7)

"To be 100 percent honest, I didn't watch the video until you mentioned it. When I first heard what happened, I was upset. My initial thought was, of course, this has happened again. So, I was sad that another person had to die, but honestly, I moved on from the news.

"However, now that I have watched the video, I'm enraged. My daughter is upset. She had her Emmett Till shirt on when she watched the video and the first thing she said was, 'When are we going to Springfield to protest?'

"I don't understand why this keeps happening. I don't understand why white people don't understand us. 'I rebuke you in the name of Jesus' is a common saying for us. I've cried several times. It makes me sick to my stomach.

"I want to write more, but the reality is I've said how I feel, and I would just keep repeating myself. I don't understand why the color of our skin evokes so much fear. I don't understand why this keeps happening. I do think that it would help if white people took the time to learn more about Black people and their culture. It would also help if cops had more training in mental illness. However, it’s not just white cops doing this to Black people. It is also Black cops doing it to other Black people.

"In my opinion, it would help if the police had better training. Perhaps with better training and tougher consequences, it won't appear that all cops are part of a 'good ol boy' system. A system that allows them to literally get away with murder."

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (8)


Assistant dean of students, University of Illinois

“When I first heard that Sonya Massey was murdered in her home by a police officer, I felt numb. When I saw the video, I was enraged.

“I see so much of myself in her. I am also a 36-year-old Black woman and mother living in central Illinois so to see a deputy sheriff shooting her point blank in the head was beyond disturbing.

“I think Black women living in America are on the cusp of a pivotal moment in time. On one hand, you have Sonya Massey and other Black women dying at the hands of those who are supposed to serve and protect, and on the other hand, you have Kamala Harris, a Black woman who stands a good chance of becoming our nation’s next president.

“The juxtaposition of these truths is hard to reconcile. I stand in solidarity with Sonya Massey’s family and I pray justice is served and the officer is convicted for her senseless killing. She should still be alive.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (9)


Dual-language teacher, International Prep Academy

Not again. I’m so heartbroken for Ms. Massey’s family. I’m weary at once again returning to school in the wake of a senseless tragedy like this one.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (10)


Superintendent, Urbana School District

“My initial reaction was one of outrage, disgust and overall sadness at the senseless nature in which Ms. Massey was murdered. How does a woman who is clearly seeking help, and obviously needing it in many ways, become the victim of her own pleas for assistance?

“Even if there were mental health concerns, there were so many other scenarios in which this incident could have been avoided non-violently; competent, trained officers would have engaged in de-escalation methods instead of quickly taking the situation in a completely unnecessary direction.

“If Deputy (Sean) Grayson cared about and valued human life, there would have been more concern for her mental health and wellness. She needed a helping hand and instead was murdered. It is unacceptable to treat a Black woman — or anyone, for that matter — as less than human.

“I hope justice is served and the life of Ms. Massey is vindicated; my thoughts and prayers go out to her children and family.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (11)


Environmental reporter and ‘Mid-American Gardener’ host, WILL

“It feels too close, too familiar and terrifying.

“It’s difficult to put into words what it is like to watch another Black person lose their life in a senseless way at the hands of someone who was supposed to help. Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered.

“As a Black woman, mother, sister, and daughter, seeing Sonya Massey be murdered in her home reminds me that we as Black people are still in pursuit of the fundamental American dream. I find myself asking: How can we as Black Americans enjoy liberty and the pursuit of happiness if we are still in a fight for our life?”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (12)


Associate professor of entomology, University of Illinois

“The release of the video of the murder of Sonya Massey the same week we have our first Black woman nominee for president, Kamala Harris, highlights the truly dichotomous role Black women play in America.

“The shift from victim to assailant or respected to hated can happen in moments as the prejudices around sex and race intersect. I hope and pray that we are moving in a direction where Black women can simply exist and be treated with the same kindness and grace given to others.

“The sheriff’s office’s quick action to fire the deputy is a step in the right direction but true justice will require a jury to honor the life of Sonya and recognize that she was a victim the entire time and a ‘trained professional’s’ fear is not justified simply because she was Black, a woman or otherwise.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (13)


Principal, Garden Hills Academy

“‘I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!’ — Sonya Massey.

“To invoke a rebuking in the name of Jesus signals that someone has identified something in someone that is not aligned with good — a detection that there is something afoul.

“Sonya Massey knew. She saw the darkness within the man in front of her. A darkness that was illuminated both before and after her murder.

“In the stated intent to shoot her in the face. In the inaction and refusal to assist her after shooting her. In the callous way he described her by saying, ‘She’s done.’ In the subsequent lies he proffered to try to absolve himself.

“Sonya Massey was light — and her light showed us why the rebuke needed to be issued.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (14)


Executive director, Housing Authority of Champaign County

“The shooting of Sonya Massey is a heart-wrenching reminder of the vulnerabilities people of color face daily.

“As I reflect on this tragedy, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of grief and frustration. Sonya, like countless others, was more than a statistic; she was a mother, a daughter and a cherished member of our community whose life was unjustly cut short.

“This incident underscores the urgent need for meaningful changes in our society — changes that ensure the safety, dignity and justice for people of color. It is disheartening that we continue to face such peril simply for existing, and it highlights the crucial need for enhanced training for our police officers.

“They must be better equipped to handle situations involving mental health crises compassionately and effectively, ensuring that they can serve and protect all community members without resorting to lethal force.

“Our lives matter, our pain is real, and our stories deserve to be heard and respected. Addressing these systemic injustices with the seriousness and urgency they demand is imperative.”

'Sonya Massey called for help. Sonya Massey was a human being worthy of care, patience and respect. Sonya Massey mattered' (2024)


What happened to Sonia Massey? ›

Massey's autopsy report, which was released last week, said she was killed by a gunshot wound to her head. Her family's attorney emphasized the angle at which the deputy shot Massey. Massey “was shot beneath her eye, and the bullet (exited) at the back of her neck, under her ear,” Crump told CNN.

How old was Sonya Massey? ›

Grayson, now 30, would go on to work at four other police departments across central Illinois, the last being the Sangamon County Sheriff's Office, where he would fatally shoot and kill Sonya Massey, 36, in her home in July 2024 after she called the police for help.

How old is Sean Grayson? ›

Grayson, 30, is now charged with murder in the July 6 death of Sonya Massey; he has pleaded not guilty. Massey, a mother of two, joined Breonna Taylor and Atatiana Jefferson on a list of Black women killed in their own homes by law enforcement – whose deadly use of force came under scrutiny.

What happened to Buzz and Sonia? ›

Vinton's two teenage children, Buzz and Sonja, who appear on the show from 1983-1985 were written out of the show in 1986, and no explanation was ever given for their whereabouts (many probably assumed that both Buzz and Sonja went to college and lived on their own).

What were the results of the autopsy on Sonya Massey? ›

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — An autopsy report released Friday in the shooting death of Sonya Massey, the Illinois woman shot by a deputy after she called for help, confirms she died of a bullet to the head.

How old is Sonya Eddy? ›

Eddy died on December 19, 2022, at the age of 55. Her cause of death was an infection after non-emergency surgery.

Who is the ancestor of Sonya Massey? ›

According to Massey's family, one of her ancestors, William Donnegan, was lynched in the Springfield race riot of 1908 and pronounced dead in the same hospital as Massey. The 1908 riot led to the founding of the NAACP.

How old is Sean from sinner? ›

Sean Bell is only 36 but refers to himself so often as a dirty old man and Zenny (21) as a sweet innocent girl that it's clear it's not Zenny the newly adult woman he is lusting after but the concept of old man/young woman.

How old is Perry Grayson? ›

Sir Grayson Perry (born 24 March 1960) is an English contemporary artist, writer and broadcaster. He is known for his ceramic vases, tapestries, and cross-dressing, as well as his observations of the contemporary arts scene, and for dissecting British "prejudices, fashions and foibles".

How tall is Grayson twins? ›

Video perfectly sums up just how huge Twins' 6-foot-6 catcher Grayson Greiner looks.

What happened to Sonia El Camino? ›

El Camino. Todd brings Jesse to his apartment so he could help him dispose of Sonia's body, whom Todd strangled to death after she discovered his hidden money stash. The two roll her up in a carpet and drive her out into the desert, where Jesse buries her.

What happened to Sonia the singer? ›

Sonia is now in her early 50s and lives with her husband, Mark Moses (whom she married in 1998), and their teenage daughter, who was born in 2010. On 12th May 2023, she appeared as herself in an episode of Hollyoaks and sang her 1993 Eurovision song “Better The Devil You Know.”

What happened to Sonia Sanchez? ›

Sanchez was the first Presidential Fellow at Temple University, where she began working in 1977. There, she held the Laura Carnell chair until her retirement in 1999. She is currently a poet-in-residence at Temple University.

What happened to Sonia Jacobs? ›

She was then transferred off death row, but spent 11 more years serving consecutive sentences, even as the evidence against her wilted. Finally, after a federal appeals court ordered a new trial in 1992, Jacobs was released when, in return for her freedom, she did not contest her guilt.


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