How to Serve Your Court Papers (2024)

When you file for divorce, you have to let your spouse know through the official court process. It’s not enough to tell them, email them or even write them a letter about your plans. Instead, you must notify them with official court documents. This is what it means to have them "served."

Request for Service form

When you file for divorce, there will be a lot of forms for you to fill out. Among the forms is one called "Request for Service."If you use one of the Divorce Form Assistants on this website, the Request for Service form will be included. You can also use the form on this page.

You are responsible for:

  • Filling out a form letting the Clerk of Courts know exactly how you want to have your spouse served.
  • Following up with the Clerk to see if service was successful or not.

Most people choose "Certified Mail"

In CuyahogaCounty, the preferred method of service is "Certified Mail," which means the Clerk of Courts will send the paperwork to your spouse using certified mail through the U.S. Postal Service.

To request service in your case:

  • Fill out the Request for Service form. Check the box for "Certified Mail" if you are choosing this common option.
  • Provide a copy of the pleadingto be served. You must give the Clerk of Courts a copy of the documentyou are trying to have served. Forexample, if you are servingyourdivorce papers, provide a copy of your complaint for divorce.

If your spouse or another person signs for the mail, the Postal Service will notify the Clerk of Courts. The Clerk of Courts will enter the information on the docket, and service will be considered complete.

You can find rules for service of a divorce complaint or counterclaim inthe Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure(Rules 4 through 4.6).

Check the case docket for updates

To find out if your spouse has been served, check the case docket by searching for your case on the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Court's website. Use the "civil/domestic" search and search by your case number or your name.

If you cannot find any information about service, you may need to contact the Clerk’s office to ask if service was successful. Have your case number available.

If your spouse was served, plan on attending your hearing as scheduled.

If service fails

If your spouse wasn't served, it could be that you have the wrong address. It could also be that service was refused or unclaimed.

If service is refused or unclaimed,the Clerk will send you a notice that service has failed. You’ll have to go to the Clerk’s office again, fill out another "Request for Service" form and provide another copy of the document you need to have served. This time, you may request service by "Ordinary Mail" instead of certified mail.

Note: You can only request service by ordinary mail when an item is returned for being "refused" or "unclaimed," not for any other reason.

If the mail is returned as “Addressee Unknown” or “Insufficient Address,” find out what address your spouse is using. Use every resource that you can, including Google and social media. Then you’ll need to file a new "Request for Service" form and request service to the new address.

Wait another 2 weeks. Then call the Clerk and make sure the papers were sent out. If they were, you don’t need to do anything else except prepare for your hearing.If they weren’t, ask the Clerk why and request that they send it again.

Other options for service

You can also ask the Court to have the sheriff serve your spouse. In CuyahogaCounty, this can cost you money. (There is no cost for a domestic violence filing.) Also, if your spouse lives outside CuyahogaCounty, you may be responsible for contacting the other county’s sheriff to figure out how much it would cost them to serve your spouse. This can be a useful option if your spouse is abusive.

What if you don't know your spouse's address and can't find it by searching online, talking to relatives or any other way? It's possible to do something called "Service by Publication," but this can be expensive and can make it more complicated for you to get a divorce. Consider getting advice from a lawyer if this option seems necessary.

Service by publication

If you can’t find your spouse’s address, you may be able to serve them by “publishing” information about your case.

Service by publication costs about $200.

You can find rules for requesting service by publication inLocal Rule 25.

Service by publication may be an option if:

  • You don’t know your spouse’s address.
  • Your case is in the Domestic Relations Court.
  • You have had trouble serving your spouse.
  • You have taken reasonable steps to find your spouse’s address but still can’t find it.

To ask for service by publication, file a request with the Clerk of Courts:

  • Fill out the Requestfor Service form. Write “Service by publication, address correction requested.”
  • Complete an affidavit. You mustgive the Court an affidavit – or asworn statement –saying you don’t know your spouse’s address and you haven’t been able to find it, even though you have tried. You can use the form on this page to create your affidavit.

In your affidavit for service by publication, include:

  • A statement that you can’t serve your spouse because their address is unknown. Court rules suggestusingthe following language: “Service of summons cannot be made because the residence of the defendant is unknown to the affiant.” By making this statement you are swearing to the Court that you can’t get service because you don’t know your spouse’s address.
  • Everything you did to try to find the address. Show the Court that you have taken reasonable steps to try to find your spouse’s address. You can use the following language: “The efforts made to ascertain the residence of the defendant are:” Then list all the steps you have taken to try to find it.
  • A statement that the address can’t be found. Courtrules suggest using the following language: “The residence of the party to be served cannot be ascertained with reasonable diligence.” This means even though you have taken reasonable steps, you still can’t figure out where your spouse is living.

Once you have entered the information:

  • Take the form to a notary. Print out the form, but don’t sign anything yet. You will need to sign it in front of a notary. The notary will check your identification, watch you sign and stamp where needed with an official seal. Court staff at the CuyahogaCounty Domestic Relations Court can notarize forms for you.
  • Make photocopies. After the notary stamps your documents, make at least one photocopy for your records.

File your completed affidavit and Request for Service form with the CuyahogaCounty Clerk of Court.

If your request is approved, a notice about your case will be published for 6 weeks. Once it’s complete, the Clerk will post an update to your case docket. Then your spouse will be “served.”

Service by posting and mail

If you filed a Poverty Affidavit, or Civil Fee Waiver Affidavit, with your case and you don’t know your spouse’s address, you may be able to serve them by “posting and mail.”

This means you let your spouse know about the case by having it posted in a public place and mailed to their last known address.

You can find the specific rules for requesting service by posting inLocal Rule 25.

Service by posting and mail may be an option if:

  • You are filing your case with a Poverty Affidavit or Civil Fee Waiver Affidavit.
  • Your case is in the Domestic Relations Court.
  • You don’t know where your spouse lives.
  • You have taken reasonable steps to find their address.
  • You have a last known address for your spouse (even if you know they aren’t living there now).

To ask for service by posting and mail, you must file a request with the Clerk of Courts:

  • Fill out the Requestfor Service form. Write “Service by posting and ordinary mail, address correction requested.”
  • Complete an affidavit. You must give the Court an affidavit – or a sworn statement – saying you don’t know your spouse’s address and you haven’t been able to find it, even though you have tried. You can use the form on this page to create your affidavit.Be sure to enter all the required information, including your spouse’s last known address.

In your affidavit for service by posting and mail, include:

  • A statement that you can’t serve your spouse because their address is unknown. Courtrules suggestthat you include the following language: “Service of summons cannot be made because the residence of the defendant is unknown to the affiant.” By making this statement you are swearing to the Court that you can’t get service because you don’t know your spouse’s address.
  • Everything you did to try to find the address. Show the Court that you have taken reasonable steps to try to find your spouse’s address. You can use the following language: “The efforts made to ascertain the residence of the defendant are:” Then list all the steps you have taken to try to find it.
  • A statement that the address can’t be found. Courtrules suggest using the following language: “The residence of the party to be served cannot be ascertained with reasonable diligence.” This means even though you have taken reasonable steps, you still can’t figure out where your spouse is living.
  • Your spouse’s last known address. Even if you know your spouse isn’t still living there, you must provide the most recent address where you know your spouse lived.

Once you have entered the information:

  • Take the form to a notary. Print out the form, but don’t sign anything yet. You will need to sign it in front of a notary. The notary will check your identification, watch you sign and stamp where needed with an official seal. Court staff at the CuyahogaCounty Domestic Relations Court can notarize forms for you.
  • Make photocopies. After the notary stamps your documents, make at least one photocopy for your records.

File your completed affidavit and Request for Service form with the CuyahogaCounty Clerk of Court.

If the Court approves your request, the Clerk will post a notice about your case in the courthouse and 2 other public places for 6 weeks. The Clerk also will mail the case papers to your spouse’s last known address.

If the Clerk gets a corrected address for your spouse within the 6-week period, the Clerk will mail the case papers to that address.

Once the process is complete, the Clerk will post an update to your case docket. Then your spouse will be “served.”

If nothing works

If the Court can’t serve your spouse at all, you will have to ask the Court to reschedule your hearing. Once you have been given a new date and time, you can repeat the same steps above.

How to Serve Your Court Papers (2024)


How to serve someone who doesn't answer the door? ›

Service by Mail: This method means sending the documents via postal service to the recipient's last known address. It might require sending the documents by registered or certified mail to ensure proof of delivery. In some cases, the documents can be posted at the property and also mailed.

How should you answer questions in court? ›

Be sure you understand the question before you answer it. Give an answer to the best of your ability and knowledge. Let the judge know if you do not understand the question. Never guess at the meaning of a question.

How do you get around being served? ›

Common methods to avoid being served
  1. Not answering the door.
  2. Lying about their identity.
  3. Hiding in the closet until the process server leaves.
  4. Staying at a family member or friend's home.
Dec 2, 2022

What's the best way to serve somebody? ›

Regarding how to serve court documents, you can serve papers via personal service, substituted service, or service by certified mail. Personal service is the most common method where a server hands the papers in person to the party being served.

What happens if a server can't find you? ›

Summary: A process server will try their best to serve you personally. However, if they can't find you, the court may grant an order for substituted service, and the lawsuit may proceed without you.

What if I can't find the person I need to serve? ›

If you cannot find them, you can show the court everything you tried to find them and ask for permission to serve them publishing the court papers in a newspaper or posting them in the court.

What is the best thing to say in court? ›

When speaking to the judge, try to keep your side of the story short and on point. Focus on the facts, and nothing but the facts. A good way to do this is write out what you want to say ahead of time and practice it with a family member or friend.

Can you say I decline to answer in court? ›

In most cases, you can plead the Fifth Amendment, which legally allows you to refuse answering questions.

What to say in court if you don't know the answer? ›

Our answer to that is very simple – say, “I don't recall.” If they get asked the question 1500 ways, “I don't recall.” Most of the time, the deposing lawyer will try to set other things out there to kind of jog your memory and get you to remember it.

What happens if someone can't be found to be served? ›

Alternative methods of service: If the person attempting to serve court papers is unable to locate or serve the defendant, the court may allow alternative methods of service, such as publication in a newspaper or post on the defendant's door.

What happens if you don't respond to a serve? ›

You Can Lose By Default:

If you don't file a response 30 days after you were served, the Plaintiff can file a form called “Request for Default”. The Plaintiff has to wait 30 days to file this. If the Plaintiff files this form, the Court can enter a judgment against you. The Plaintiff will win the case.

Do they call you before they serve you? ›

Do they call you before they server you? Yes, you will get a phone call from a process server before delivery of the documents. It is to alert you of what they are about to do before coming to your space.

What is the proper way to serve? ›

Which Side Do You Serve From? In most American service, pre-plated courses are served from the right and cleared from the right. Beverages are poured to the right, because glasses are located to the right of the guest. Other types of service, like Russian service, dictate that the guest is served to the left.

Why do people avoid being served? ›

When this happens, it's usually because the person is trying to avoid being served. This can happen if the individual wrongly believes that if they can't be formally summoned to court or subpoenaed, they can avoid the legal process altogether.

What happens if my ex avoids being served? ›

You can motion the court for an alternative form of service. Depending on the judge and the jurisdiction, a judge can give you the “o*k” to have the process server simply leave it at her house or email it to her or fax it.

How do you serve someone who is avoiding you? ›

In California, these methods include leaving the documents with a competent adult at the defendant's residence or place of business, service on an agent for service of process, or mailing the documents via certified mail to the defendant's last known address.

What happens if someone doesn't respond to being served? ›

If you Fail to Respond, They Could Have Trial Without You

This is a serious penalty, because failing to file an answer could lead to a judgment being entered in your case without your knowledge.

Are you allowed to not answer the door? ›

Usually no, but in some States, if a warrant exists for the arrest of someone in the home, and if the officer says they have a warrant, then refusing to answer the door is resisting arrest.

What happens if you don't respond to a server? ›

If you don't answer the process server, you could be in trouble with the law. The worst thing that can happen is that the court can give you a default ruling. This means that the court will decide in favor of the plaintiff without a trial, and you will have to pay any damages or penalties.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.