Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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1 eArozia aoomii oe- 410' FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 1924 EIGHTEEN FR NEW ERA IN FORT WORTH FOOTBALL WILL BE STARTED WITH CHRISTENING OF STADIUM AT SATURDAY'S GAME J1 Aft program will begin at 2:30 30 minutes before the start of the Oklahoma A Sr M-T game Slay local attorney will make a few remarks The pep squad led by Carlos Ashley will supply most of the noise and color Miss Edna Thompson sponsor of the Christian crew will kick off a shiny new ball from placement A short parade including the two teams the band the freshman team the athletic committee pep squad and other univer sity organizations will be staged immediately before the referee blows his whistle The Stadium completed several weeks ago will seat 7000 The Purple and White felt the need of the modern football field as soon as it became a member of the Southwestern Conference The makeshift fields used while the university was a member of the A A were not sufficient for the big conference games to be played in the next few years and it was decided to the Stadium for this the second season for the Horned Frog institution in the Southwestern organization In constructing the field the authorities took care that ample room was afforded for the parking of automobiles This is an important asset in a modern football field The Forest Park street car line also runs close by making it very convenient A large crowd is expected to attend the Saturdas dedication and Aggie-Christian fotoball game immediateltk following A new era in football for Fort Worth Nvill be marked Saturday afternoon when the Stadium the third largest stadium in the Southwest will be dedicated The big stadium means better football for Fort Worth grid fans for without a proper playing field could not induce the leading elevens of the Southwestern Conference to 'play here The Horned Frog supporters will celebrate the formal opening of the Stadium with a peppy program The TF AG )1 4 4) 1 it 1 1- 4 I I- ir 4 ap rc 0 IF I 0 0 0 1 c4- 14' TV le 0111 Peck Crippled Now Becomes One of Fans' Most Revered Heroes WM ENTRIES IN FINE CONDITION FOR BIG RACE SATURDAY CONFIDENT As RESULT OF WIN 111 KANSAS Ls By NED RECORD THE football fans of Fort 'Worth will see a Ion cr hoped for day in Fort Worth Southwestern Conference football game with a Fort Worth school participating played in a real stadium The stadium will be formally dedicated by a 30-minute cetemonv before the Oklahoma Aggic-T battle Saturday Even thcugh the dope indicates the Fort Wtrth school has little chance the fans ought to flock out just to celebrate the advent of big time football in Fort Worth And what's dope anyway? The dope was ail in Golaith's favor but David put him down for the count STAR OF SENATORS' VICTORY THURSDAY 4-1ksiAL14'7" L' 0 1(01 I 51 140 :::7:7:::::7777777::: 7:: i': '7 r'''71: '''7''I'' '''t r- T-tem41- 114 -7" 0 4 'ilk 111 allf41110 STAR OF SENATORS' 10411S VICTORY 1 5 ---t- iv 1 -2 su tr-0: t-: :::::7441" 4 4 lx 1:: I ''N-11 By NED RECOR D'' E1 1 i URS AY Ir e-: olIN -i -''''-t- 4-43 41 -a Z410 4- -4 of Fort rrill't'--- 5- 44Pf 'T hotjed for da V't 74:4 i in Fort W-ortn i 1-1474 i- 1-Itvilflots tel e) a lal fi oa nn football :4 Southwestern ort Worth school par- 4' 16140 I I 'Ikt 1 ginle with at-I a in a real stadium ticipating Pte liUM NVill be for- T- N-fitiy4- The a 30minute 1 -r :410" ni a 11 dedicated ID the Oklahoma Ag- Iiii 4 ceternc'hT SaturdaY Ever! -'1-0--" 4i (4 i sit- 3 di tes the Fon ii the fs xthct urtghh the do Pheasinlitte: chance 4 ht to flock out iust to 5t7 fans oug 0- -i-- time io-L --vr- -1: brate the id' ht i ii40 Fv ball in Fort AS'ort NewaY? ilutiribiGmaladsotwh hat's dope an- kl: 71' 11 David he favor what count 0 uDwnaat a bie ----'--i 0 1 I Careful Cal President Coolidge at the New York-Washington game staged a riotous (for him) demonstration of rooting "The Presidnt clapped his hands several times as did his wife" remarks the chaste A Preport speaking of th dmonstration for the Senators in the seventh inning at Ui Careful Cal President Coolidge kWashongton game New YI)1 for him) dem- staged a riotous Fy Associated Press LATONIA Ky Oct for the third international special having been given their final workouts and pronounced fit by their trainers horsem*n and racing- fans today marked time awaiting the call to the barrier tomorrow of what was freely termed the best field of thoroughbreds that has clashed in a race In many years Pierre 'Wertheimer owner of the French champion Epinard will arrive today He is more enthusiastic Over the Latonia race than any ill which his colt has participated in this nintry according to Nev Yorkers who have talked with him Wertheimer has planned to show his friends In France just how Epinard performed by means of motion pictures and with this in view he has engaged a film concern to take pictures of the race from beginning to end A huge derrick-like platform to be used by this firm exclusively has been built in the infield Louis Feustel trainer of Ladkin which pulled up lame after a gallop announced that the Belmont winner of the second international had responded to treatment and might be a starter in the final of the event August Belmont is coming on and Feustel will not make known his final dcision until he has consulted with the owner The last of the international candidates to arrive on the scene were Zev and Mad Play the Rancocas Pair Zev greatest money winning horse of all time is entered in the six furlong feature today If he goes it will be merely a "pipe-Opener" for the big race tomorrow Elaborate preparation is being made by the Kentucky Jockey Club officials to nrovide accommodations for the largest assemblage of racing fans ever gathered at the historic Milldale course and Atlantic Photo Roger Peckinpaugh game Senator shortstop who starred in the Thursday victory of his team over the Giants is seen on the left talking things over with his boss Harris in the midde and Judge on the right BY ROBERT SMALL righ 1924 by The Sts r-Tele- aM i WASHINGTON Oct Washington Senators have been a revelation in professional baseball spirit They have exemplified something that the public has been waiting for and hoping for And they have come forward with this display at just the proper the time that some their opponents were accused of darkening the traditions the national game beyond hope of early redemption Baseball has had a peculiar place old Peck cast caution to the winds and heavily bandaged front hip to foot he took his place in the sixth and crucial game The broken Sen- ators came back to life Their old pep and fight returned Roger was all over the place He bad five chances in the field and each was a perfect play He had two chances at bat and rattled off two just one-half of the total that his club made in all the game He scored one of the two precious -uns that made the margin of victory And then he made the play which saved the game and cast him help- less on the ground It was a hard run Peck made a marvelous stop and back and beyond second base while still running away from the base twisted himself to make a throw to Harris for a force out The ball shot straight and true to the baseman's hand the umpire waved away the oncoming Giant runner and two were out in the ninth with the Senators still their one run ahead Roge collapsed His teammates rushed to him torn between two emotions the one tears in their eyes The crowd was an exultant cry of victory the other a wave of sadness that such a game fighter giving his last drop to the game had fallen like a marathon runner at his goal Peck had saved the series but In doing so he had eliminated himself from the final perhaps made of him- self a baseball cripple for life eck had put everything he had in that last play Professionalism? Commerciall No There never was finer spir Or higher purpose in An athlete at 'aie or Harvard or Oxford or any or the places from where the heroes are hailed In fact and fiction Other teams at other times have risen the game's sake" but Washington as done it ata time when baseball eded a helping hand The Sena- Ile tors of 1924 will live long In the affection of fans throughout all the world you shoc in Cre into mor Van CreE Tig rtrail fond icon Val rn intil Thf vas rrtda ho In cle I 'yds Dal In Hsi he tt IM nes Pia: ray I he ti Dm pi ttire( Fri 1Jos andt Pom But i Strt Iland I Hot ceo: Dot: Hon toGml the he -NV emifi fetca Fofl sy's Se i Rail Safi' tult Da Veat Ind 1 kGra3 -DreN Gate Receipts for Series to Pass Million BY TEM HALL Johnny Maulbetsch and his squad of Oklahoma Aggies will arrive here tonight for their conference opening bat tle with in the new Stadium of Clark Field Saturday afternoon They left Stillwater Friday morning The Farmers are riding high on a buoy of confidence They surprised themselves and the rest of the world last Saturday by outplaying and defeating Kansas Univer-' city at Lawrence Followers of the team are her- aiding it as the greatest that every represented Oklahoma A world-beating wonder machine "There is no doubt about it we've get writes the editor of the schoore paper "I tionl like to brag but 1laulbetsch has a team as good or better than anything in either the Southwestern er Missouri Valley oC oferences" li That is the general feeling at 1 Stillwater It remains to be seen' If it is well based on facts The 1 Farmers are a powerful team There is no-doubt about that But in the past teams which have early gained the reputation of being wonders have flivvered The "wonder" corn-pier is a wrecking machine The scribes at Stillwater are certain the crippled team will be easy Pickin's for the Farmers If there is the same feeling among the rinyers it may not be so 7--T UIgot their jolt last Satur- Cay when the little Daniel raker team came up from Brownwo td 1 nd)played them off their feet for 1 three quarters There may be some ltght in the Frogs this week when I they take the field against a team touted as the favorite i 'Along with the other news from 1 theFarmers' abode conies the story a thal there is a fighting spirit with 3 ihe team this year For le years 1 Oklahoma has turned out teams of great weight and apparently as intelligent as other grid teams but tor" some reason they never did what they seemed capable of From the stands the spectators could never see what the trouble was but after the season students and even Members of the team would admit 1 er see what tne trou after the season students and even nwrnbers of the team would admit JUNIOR HIGH AND RIVERSIDE LEAD IN CLASS BEARS PUT THROUGH HARD SCRIMMAGES ON EVE OF 2 GAMES EVERYWHETZE even in Gotham town they rooted for the Washington club to win the series Even to the most remote radio stations Regardless of the outcome the Senators ruled the favorites and wh Largely because they had something sadly missing in the Giant lirt They had players whose names were more than names to the public Walter Johnson for instance Grand Old Man of the game The man whose big moment came too late in life And little Muddy Ruel Ducky Harris Roger Peckinpaugh Players who stand out not so much because of their playing abilities but because of some indefinable something that attached the fans to the players If Joe Pate should decide on that trip to Europe he may be lost to Fort Worth Urban Faber came a minor league club to go to Europe with the White Sox And I ht still is with the White Sox in American history Although from Its inception it has been essentially a professional sport with a tremendous amateur following of course the American people have chosen to call it their national pastime and to believe in its integrity Time and again they have been shocked by some unexpected discovery of wrong doing but they have put these lapses down to the same unhappy percentages that find other trusted in other trusted professions listening to the voice of the tempter Baseball in the professional leagues has survived all its setbacks It has survived because the people looked beyond the salaries of the players and believed that back of this desire to make money lay something finer and loyalty to the old home town and an ambition to achieve the highest honors of the sport The Washington baseball team has written this year a golden page In the history of the game It has come to represent the ideals for which the fans have prayed The whole country has sensed this knowledge and that is why from one end of the land to the other the most remarkable demonstration any sport has ever known broke loose when word finally came that the Senators had won their first flag These demonstrations have been renewed as the Senators fought back at the Giants time after time to even the world series count The greatest of all these demonstrations in favor of the from the national capital were those staged in the Giants' own beloved Polo Grounds Washington's baseball players have shown the inspiration of the old Christian martyrs They have been ready to sacrifice themselves and their careers upon the diamond: so that Washington fans might I drink of the cup of hard earned victory Against the picture of marvelous old Walter Johnson pitching his heart out in a vain attempt to justify the confidence a loving public had placed in him there always will be placed in baseball's hall of fame the golden framed memory of Roger Peckinpaugh the shortstop cast off by the Yankees three long seasons ago "Peck" found himself after coming to Washington and made of himself the keystone to build up an infield which will stand with the best of them for all baseball time Peck had earned his place of honor in the series before an injury to his right leg above the knee compelled hint to retire In the third game His going had all but demoralized his teammates The CUT) was bitter indeed for Peck's real understudy one Thomas Taylor had but recently broke his right wrist It was necessary to place Ralph Miller on third and transfer Bluege from third to short This arrangement left the left side of the Senators all but wide open Miller proved clumsy of hanti and brain and a weakling at the bat Washington's effectiveness was reduced by nearly 50 per cent The big cog 1 in the machine was gone When the Senators returned to 11 Washington Thursday morning with their backs against the wall In American history Although from Its inception it has been essentially a professional port with a tre- mendous amateur following of course the American people have chosen to call It their national pas- time and to believe in its integrity Time and again they have been shocked by some unexpected dis- covery of wrong doing but they have put these lapses down to the same unhappy percentages that find other trusted rnen in other trusted professions listening to the voice of the tempter Baseball In the professional leagues has survived all its set- backs It has survived because the people looked beyond the salaries of the players and believed that back of this desire to make money lay something finer and loyalty to the old borne town and an ambition to achieve the highest honors of the sport The Washington baseball team has written this year a golden page In the history of the game It has come to represent the ideals for which the fans have prayed The whole country has sensed this knowledge and that is why from one end of the land to the other the most remarkable demonstration any sport has ever known broke loose when word finally came that the Senators had won their first flag These demonstrations have been renewed as the Senators fought back at the Giants time after time to even the world series count The greatest of all these demon- strations In favor of the a from the national capital were those staged in the Giants' own beloved Polo Grounds Washington's baseball players oh ladv have Christian stviannthrnearitnipsiratTiohneyofhatttee been ready to sacrifice themselves and their careers upon the diamond saorinkthaotf Washington the of hard rnarthdt victory cu Against the picture of marvelous Py Associated Press WASHINGTON Oct 1924 world series will pass the million dollar mark in gate receipts for the second time in series history today and undoubtedly eclipse the previous high record set by the Yankees and Giants last season This was not anticipated when the series began because Griffith stadium has only a little more than half the capacity of Yankee stadium but capacity crowds here and at the Polo Grounds in New York have run the total receipts up to $971910 for six games Attendance figures however which were established last year at 301430 will not be beaten The six-game total tow is while the limit for paying customers at the Washington park is enl3r 37000 Sox Acquisition of Quebec Infielder Recalls Faber Case Sorne say deaf Others say deaf What puzzles us Is it Nehf or Nee? Stecial to ne Star-Telegrom WACO Oct 10--Facing two hard games in four days next week the Baylor University Bears are being put through intensive scrimmage sessions this wcek-end by Coach Frank Bridges The Cub team has been hard Pet against the varsity squad several days this week In addition to hard scrimmage work signal practice and fundamentals t're not becng neglected by the diminutive coach of the Bear will present his gridsters In Dallas Oct 14 against the team from the Oklahoma State Teachers' College which a few days ago defeated University of Oklahoma 7 to The following Saturday the Bears will clash with the University of Arkansas Razorbacks on Carroll Field here And right here is where Bridges is expected to have trouble His team will go into the game in poor condition because of the game Art Dallas Tuesday Baylor easily Is the most difficult opponents the Razorbacks have this year If they beat Baylor they -virtually have an undefeated conference season cinched WESTERN TEAMS READY FOR GAMES will Bar Flights Over Ball Will Bar Flights Over Ban This is broadcast from a news- Parks- that the proper amount of that mysterious something called paper headline and will meet the was hearty approval of each and every not Llere This year is ferent it is said At Kansas the one of the 16603 fans the 32 ball Oklahoma Aggies fought like the PlaTers the four umpires and the have done for years two managers crowded into who- Team in Fine Shape anthers Park a Sunday or so ago The War Department has in ferent it is said At 1a11 sas til Plaers the four umpires and the Oklahoma Aggies fought like the two managers who crowded into Texas: zgles have done for years Panthers Park a Survirry or so ago Team in Fine Shape The War Department has Junior High and Riverside High hold the lead in the Class football race in the city by virtue of Juniors' 19 to 18 win over Diamond Hill at Worth Field Thursday afternoon Junior apparently has the edge' because of weight and number and both are fighting teains Referee Bill Boswell had his troubles in plenty at the Junior-Diamond Hill affair as the boys took their football attlittle too seriously and he was forced to park a couple of them for trying to battle Steele and Womack carried the brunt or the Junior High attack Thursday while Stanton the red-haired captain of the Diamond Hill team was almost the entire offense and defense of his club Neidholdt at left end helped his club occasionally by catching a pass or making a tackle Junior was first to score when Womack went over the cfnarktr and Grace hooted the field goal for an extra point that eventually decided the game Lineups: Diamond Hill: Ends Neldholdt Finch: tackles Pratt Zimmerman: guards Hearn Cooper center "Wilson: quarterback Chesser halfbacks Stanton (c) Neirlholdt Junior: Ends Maples May tackles Walker Grace guards Higbee McKinney center Grace quarterback Wctrnack halfbacks Iles Steele fullback Sandherr Officials: Boswell (Centre) referee: 'Weber (Michigan) umpire Substitutions: Junior: Beard for Broiler 'Wilson for Grace Diamond Hill: Cooper for Zimmerman Clements for Finch Army and Navy Teams Are Facing Tough Opponents CHICAGO Oct the eve of the week end football struggles Western Crnference teams today completed their heavy practice and light practice was the order for pre-game sessions tomorrow Ohio State and Iowa In the only game for the day between conference teams 'were both prepared to latnch strong running attacks combined with the forward pass which has been consistently practiced during the week Intersectional flavor was furnished by the engagements of Chicago with Brown at Chicago awl Louisiana and Indiana at Indianapolis I THE GREATEST PLAY I EVER SAW 1 By Associated Frrss CHICAGO Oct 10--Signing of a contract by Frank WojackQuebec shortstop with the Chicago White Sox ham insured the youngster a place on the club which will tour Europe with the New York Giants Acqusition of the rookie infielder recalled to fans today the entry of Urban -Red" Faber into the major leagues Faber joined the White Sox on the last world tour of the two clubs and the Giants being short of pitching talent used Faber on their club He demonstrated on the trip that he was capable of holding a job in the majors and has been retained by the Chicago club ever since being one of the best pitchers in the American 1en cue The position at short has long been a weak spot on the White Sox club and speculation is rife that Wojack after the tour may duplicate the entrance of Faber into the big leagues The vanguard of the baseball touring party numberingi 28 persons and headed by President Charles Comiskey is scheduled to leave Chicago tomorrow for the East Besides President Comiskey his son Louis and wife Secretary Grabiner and wife and a of players several close friends of the "Old Roman" will make the trip The party will be met in the East by Manager Johnny Evers rnd family Shortstop Wojack Sam Rice of the Washington Senators and his wife Catchers "Mudd3" Ruel of the Senators and Picinich of the Boston Red Sox The White Sox party will join the New York Giants party and the first lap of the European trip which will carry the tourists to Ireland England France Belgium Italy and Germany will start from Quebec on Oct 13 In-Not an injury was suffered by structed its fliers to avoid ball tho Aggies in either of their two parks Of course the order would hard games with Oklahoma South- not affect the flier who swooped Ng stern state Teachers College and down above l'anther Park when it Kansas University They are was jammed with humanity en-primed dangering lives Just the contrary is true of i 17 Net more than half of the men I The ballplayers who it will be svLsa will get IMO the Saturday remembered shared in the receipts apl-: ill not be nursing a hurt of the Sunday game objected to I et some nat-Ie And two Bell's i4viators crowding the atr above test can nut hope to get them but didn't care how many lain- Lindsey Jacks who left leg fans passed through the turnstile was broken last week and Donald Every click meant a little more Frazee star fullback and only ac- dough for them curate forward passer on the quad Art Phelan observed the polire Capt Vernon Wahl of the Okla- holding the overflow in check 20 Itornans who was selected by Many persons deep about 15 feet from the last year as All-Southwestern third base line tackle is playing his best football "Let 'em come in" he grinned this season it is said Ilarold Weis- and he carefully dusted singer at th other tackle is star- off the third base ring as much as the captain can sit down here" Guy Lookabaugh a great back And before it was over the crowd for two seasons has running mates was occupying almost everything but the bags at that The fellows out in Rising Star must take their baseball seriously Here is a wire Jack Fields sent to WBAP after Washington defeated the Giants Thursday "Game coming in good Charles Falls closed bank Pia and gone to bed Says it is accident Still confident Giants will win" Fort Riley Wins Polo AlIA Oct 10--Cavalry school poloists of Fort Riley Ka tsati senior champions won the slir Pstakes in the 'Midwest polo' tobrnament here by defeating Fort Meade South Dakota junior champions spotting the Meade plars five goals Nn I 4 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL this season which give the Ag Lcies real power a backfield for which the echool has been waiting for 19 years according' to advance notices There Is the wizard 1-icker Gordon Peery smashing Ralph Higgins elusive Dick Walker and John Mason at quarter this season 'which give the Aggies real power a backfield for which the school has been waiting for 19 years according to advance notices There is the wizard 1-icker Gordon reery smashing Ralph Higgins elusive Dick Walker and John Ma- son at quarter BY WALTER CAMP (Copyright 1924 by The Star-Teicgrem) NEW YORK Oct United States service football teams have their work cut out for them Saturday when Army meets Detroit at West Point and Navy meets Niarquette at Annapolis Detroit is bringing' to West Point a much stronger aggregation than many people imagine Duffy the Detroit coach has a lot of fine material big strong and aggresive It has not yet been entirely shaken together but it has unmistakable power If the Detroit players do not get stage-fright and find themselves early in a hole they will give the Army a real afternoon of the best kind of practice 'Marquette will send a team to Annapolis which will bear much watching although things have not broken quite as well for Coach Frank Nturray as he might have wished His two 200-pound tackles Lunz and Lane have been laid up by injuries so that they could not participate In the final practice but their rest probably will make it possible for both to start the game Fahay was also out of practice but this star end also is likely to he In for the Navy game It is a powerful team in any event and Murray has been working hard for this game Meanwhile Bob Folwell has been working the Navy squad hard too: being anything butsatistied with the team's work last Saturday The Navy men know Marquette is going to be a hard nut to crack and have been working accordingly McKinneyta Play Sherman McKINNEY Oct 10--The McKinney High School football team will pay the Sherman High School team at Benge Park here Friday This contest promises to be very interesting as both have splendid teams TRAV DANIEL GIVES BANQUET TONIGHT TRAV DANIEL GIVES BANQUET TONIGHT now Met( it rout 'Davi ('hat lollop Coot thc Om )h 7 ft tt 1 fee 11 sough ritot 1 IFht1 Olt t1 trned I del TtPr- I Itind tubby )und Ons tld I-V Iurn 3 Yt 1- I to tontill aveht ou4 1 Ond he 31 Ir IentIn I too d-f Towns( to 1)- or i'm rnu et ma it pc pi ernoun 1 a 1- SOInY l' i lifN drews Jo b61 ji Ett-DI fT izthil i fttpl 4 (1-pz 811 2 I Willf 2 4 1 1 i 1 I 1 I TENNIS TROPHIES ARE AWARDED AT BANQUET BY HOWARD SHANKS Boston Rod Sox Third Baseman The greatest play I ever saw was a bit of base running and Ty Cobb was its author This is logical enough since base running- presents One of the most exciting elements of baseball and there never was a more daring base runner than the Georgian Peach A rookie was in the lineup on this particular forget exactly who he was At any rate he singled and went to third base on Cobb's deuble Fast fielding prevented him from making a try for the plate There's the lineup The rookie on third Cobb on second and nobody out The next batter cracked a fast one down to the shortstop It was a hard hit nasty bounding ball and the coacher took a chance on sending the rookie in to the plate The shortstop scooped up the ball and lined it to the catcher who tagged the rookie before he could tally Here's where the brilliant stuff comes in Ty had been in motion the minute the ball was hit and he was always fast and knew how to run the bases lie wax close onto third as the shortstop grabbed the ball awl he didn't hesitate there an instant He raced over the bag and toward plate and he wasn't 10 feet behind the rookie when that young gentleman hit the dirt in an effort to score As the latter Nvra tagged out in a swirl of dust Ty made his celebrated fall-away slide and tduch*ed the plate before the astonished catcher could snap the ball off the rookie's anatomy and try to touch him The play has been accomplished several times they tell me but in daring and brilliance of execution wager no one ever did it better than Ty Cobb that day It was a real masterpiece of base running (Copyright 1324 by Public Ledger Company) Ennis Defeats Ferris ENNIS Oct 10--By a combination of straight football and a brilliant aerial attack Coach Mc Cissicks eleven tasted revenge over Its Ancient enemy Ferris The game was played almost wholly in the Ferris territory and ended by the one-sided score of 63-0 in favor of Ennis AU Winter indoor sports including basket ball and indoor baseball Will be discussed at a banpiet given sport leaders at Masons Cafe tonight at 7:30 oclock by Tray Daniel Reservations can be secured through the city recreation department Team captains and in the various sports are urged to attend by Evans athietk: director Flans for the Winter season will be discussed Fifty tennis players attended the Thursday night banquet at Iklason's Caff: where trophies won during the net season Nvere awarded Grover Cole president of the Municipal Tennis Association presidd He tiraised the city recreation department and Fort Worth neWMpapers for their efforts to build up tennis in Fort Worth 1 neamoomilereing -f A A 1 4- i 1 kt3' i 1 "gig ''0 'PAK 4v- 64' IE -I AI 0-0- 111 etlo: -7i-Ntles 4 5 )- 1 r- I 7 1 err'''' lim I 7 jmPsal'" i The FLORSHEIM SHOE FLORSHEIM SHOES are as distill guished in performance as they are in appearance You can rely on theta under all conditions TheY have endurance as well as style The FLORSHEBI SHOE STORE 700 Main St Corner Sixth r---7--- IMO OEM MEP UM roL -1 A 1111 4' 1 1 si kt3 'i 1 1 0( 11 01 i al 4 4-1 II 441 1 5 4k 2 c-- A si r'-' i I 0116 e1- 1 forpemaneunaminA -----------7--- The FLORSHEIM SHOE FLORSHEIM SHOES are as distill I guished in performance as they are in appearance You can rely on them under all conditions 'rheY have endurance as well as style It'l The FLORSHEI3I SHOE STORE 700 Main St Corner Sixth It orvel It 7 -----ii51 ST PAUL HOPES TO SERIES EVEN JAKE DAUBERT TO BE BURIED AT OLD HOME Game at Rising Star DESDENIONA Oct Des demona High School football team will net the Rising Star High School team at Rising Star on Oct 11 The two schools are old rivals and a hard foyight game is 1 CF11' Nr 4 tV 1 "11' DART '41 0 THE NEW FALL ARRow COLLAR 1 200 1 Clue rt Peabody Co IncW4m 1 Scott Wins Western Golf LOUIS Oct Scott of St Louis yesterday became the first Western senior gulf champion when he shot 158 for low medal score in the match of the Western senior tournament at Al 4 711 7J of -4 St Louis yesterday became first Western senior gulf champ when he shot 158 for low me seore in the match of Western senior tournament at ib -ST- PAUL Oct curer Baltimore in the fifth game fir the junior world series yester- day Ft Paul prepared for today' contest with a determination to goncluin Golf Club make it two straight and Square the honors at three-all Finn Athlete on Way to Horne town atmosphere includ- HULL ETIZI3T111 00- 10--Wi frit a more remote tight field fence the famous Finnish athli than that at Baltimore furnished arrived at Hull otg-rday en ro! the --necessary stituulus for a 5 to 2 to America Bitola was the win victory Over the Orioles yesteday in the OPymPlc' Annies of the 10 alld made the game count three to and '300o meters steeplechases two in Baltimore's favor spectively HULL Enzlanl (let Ilito la the famouA Finnish athlete arrive(' at ust-rday ffl to Arn(rlea Ritola n-zts the winner in the Olympic of the and '3(61) meters steeplechases CINCINNATI Oct body of Jacob Ellsworth Daubert veteran captain and beloved member of the Cincinnati National League baseball club who died in a hospital here early Thursday will taken to his old home at Schuylkill Haven Pa for burial T110 body will he sent accompanied by the widow her on tieorge and daughter Mrs Samuel Becker Daubert's brother Trying Daubert and probably several players of the Cincinnati team Hamilton 0 Gateaville HAM ILTt )N Oct gM Stioup's Hamilton Bulldogs held Coach Alicens Gatesville lint-- nuts to a scorelesm tie in a hard-fought game of football on the local gridiron The good punting or Orville Davis was instrumental in enabling the Hamilton boys to Ft( th'! GateSVillo team for the first time in the football history the two- schools route 10400 1 -moad00111.

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Article information

Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6580

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.