Cromwell Argus and Northern Gold-Fields Gazette from Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand (2024)


1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 1 MR O. G. MOUNTNEY (Late of Tapanui) Begs to notify to his friends and the public generally that he has purchased the above Hotel Mr. R. D.

Owens. at MR. MOUNTNEY, fully recognising the fact that a first-class Hotel with every accommodation for tourists and travellers is an absolute necessity 'for Cromwell, intends to make such improvements that it shall be second to none outside of Dunedin. The comfort and, convenience of all will be studied to the utmost, and no pains will be spared to make this a first-class Hotel. 31 "The Private Hotel has been fitted up with 8 special view to the privacy of families and others, Bath room and every convenience being provided.

V7 2 TE A The cellars. will be provided with the best Diff obtainable Brands of Ent WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS. Smit Stables will. be under the care of a firstunclass Groom, and great. attention or will be paid to this department of the business.

0 H. 0 61 03 Dir CROMWELL pull (Junction of Melmore and; Erris-streets). don Irw valet 3 ei D. MURLEY PROPRIETOR. Murley bas pleasure in intimating to his friends and the public generally that he has titter Hump the Globe Hotel with every convenience and comfort," without' regard tr expense and can confidently 'assure those who favor the house "with their patronage that 10 no effort will be spared.

413: to meet their wants. on Travellers will find the Globe al most comfortni able home, with ample, accommodation. no ice The Stabling is commodious, and: the greatest Ini and attention will be bestowed travellers' borges. brad lit The Proprietor intends to make a speciality of this stock. of Wines, Spirits and Beers -none but vi the, best brands of which will be kept on the premises, lie .0 A R' 10 BRIDGE HOTEL, CROMWELL.

a VALUE FOR MONEY. HART HOTEL, WELL WHITE 10 F. A COLLINGS Proprietor. at Having purchased and entered into, possession of the White Hart Hotel, Fred. A.

Colling wit desires to assure his friends and the travelling public that, no eftort will be wanting on his part winto render the house one of the most comfortable. in the district. Every attention will be paid to bald the requirements of his patrons, who will find at br the White Hart all the 1. advantages and privileges "of a home." 100 'n Wines, Spirits and Beer of the best quality 'only kept on' hand." Excellent Stabling accommodation, and horses VA properly looked after. oil mint 03 Bin Booking office for Passengers and Parcels for Gl Wanaka lakes, the coach for which leaves the In White Hart, every Wednesday and Saturday at Don Inlay is AYor 10 ROYAL OAK HOTEL, ARROWTOWN, A oft o3 only 3 THOMAS PATCHETT Proprietor (Late William 3.

oft 1 to cha. Every accommodation for Families and Doula out Travellers. COMMERCIAL SAMPLE ROOMS: Good Stabling under: charge, of an 1 Groom. PORT Br PHILIP 1 toi HOTEL not at S. DICKIE Proprietor.

Tar (Late John Cox). 1 ml "Under the new management, this 'hotel will be conducted in a manner unsurpassed on the goldfields, and in soliciting the, support of my friends and the travelling public I can but say yell nothing will be spared to give them every satis. 10 1:01 PRIVATE DETACHED COTTAGE FOR FAMILIES. 01 a THE BEST BRANDS OF LIQUOR KEPT. si: GOOD STABLING UNDER CAREFUL MANAGEMENT HOT ALEXANDRA.

18 I HENRY TOHILL, Proprietor. 03 H. TOHILL begs to inform the Travelling Public that this Hotel possesses every convenience, and trusts, by strict attention to the comfort of. Travellers and the Public generally, to merit their. PRIVATE PARLOR AND BEDROOMS.

Large and commodious Billiard Room and Alco*ck's Prize Table. THE BEST OF WINES, SPIRITS AND BEER ONLY KEPT. culinary. rartment Specially attended to 11 01 0 GOOD STABLING, NORTHERN GOLDFIELDS Cromwell CROMWELL, OTAGO TUESDAT AUGUST a Business Announcements. 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DAVID A.

JOLLY FAMILY GROCERS WINE, SPIRIT AND GENERAL. MERCHANTS, We desire to intimate that in order to meet the growing exigencies of our business, we have lately built substantial stone additions to our former premises At the urgent request of our numerous customers, we have added to our other branches of business, that of DRAPERY, CROCKERY, IRONMONGERY, We would further notify that, having engaged a Buyer in connection with our business to select special lines consigned from, the Home and Melbourne markets, we will in future be in a position to offer such superior advantages to our customers as will not fail to ensure a continuance of their liberal patronage, and, more especially, will command the attention and confidence of the Trade, Runholders, and Large Buyers. DAVID A. JOLLY CO. 413 11.

Our GROCERY STOCK comprises: Teas, of excellent flavour, in chests, half chests, Candles best brands and boxes Soap: treble crown, blue mottled, household, Coffees, from the pure bean, ground on the' pre- scented in bars, cakes, and boxes mises Vestas, by approved 12 Cocoa, Chocolate, of the best brands Salt: table, fine, and coarse: to Sugars: crystals of every shade, and crushed Raising Muscatels, Sultanas, and Elemes loaf .11 salad, castor, kerosene Bacon, Cheese, Butter: weekly supplies from Lea and. Perrins, Mushroom, Nabob, the best dairies and assorted 1 1, Jams, Jellies, and Pickles 11- TOBACCOS. Gl! mi Imperial, Aromatic, cable-twist-superior. Water Lily, Over the Water, navy sixes Cameron's celebrated brands- Havelock, Golden Cut Tobaccos, in pound, half pound, and guar. Bar, Venus tens pound tins, and in ADIT bulk: all mi 'Barrett Twist, in quarter tierces and boxes.

113 ca abut WINES AND SPIRITS. Brandies Hennessy's, Associated Vineyard, Museile': No. 2 Martell in bulk and case Hock Gold Leaf: don and ft Whiskies: Old Glenury, Islay, Longjohn's, in Ginger Wine, in bulk and case bulk and Ales Tennent's, Younger's, and Colonial, Rum: Lemon Hart's Blood's, Byass's, and ColoPort: Fine old Offley's, grape nial Sherry Gonzola, six diamond 0: Cordials: assorted aft Gin JDKZ Geneva, Nectar, an. Kumme Sarsaparilla Singleton's, Townsend' Old Burnett's, Bernard's Bitters: Selner's, Stoughton's Claret St. Julien's 41 ed 1 1.

IRONMONGERY STOCK consists Blasting powder and fuse 1: Billies and pannikins el Gunpowder, caps, and shot Tea-kettles, and tin Long and short handled shovels iron buckets and tubs Spades, sluice forks Iron boilers Picks and pick handles Enamelled and tinned stew and saucepans Gold dishes, hose-pipes Axes and axe-handles 63 Drills and drilling hammers Nails, cut and wrought Manilla flax ropes Tacks, clout and American cut 01 White lead, castor, boiled, and colza oils Garden rakes, hoes, and spades. 141 41: Galvanised and corrugated iron Cutlery, a large assortment Stoves and piping Carpenters' tools of every description. CANVAS, SADDLERY, AND BRUSHWARE. HOLT'S SEWING MACHINES: CABINET AND. HAND.

J. A DRAPERY AND CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Suits silk mixture, Galatea, Paget, sac' Dress materials: winceys, French merinos, all. Boys' wool prints Trousers and Vests: Mosgiel, silk -mixed, tweed, Flannels; Calicos, bleached and unbleached doeskin' Blankets, rugs, quilts 1. 7 Shirts': white dress, crimeans, Scotch twill, Table-covers, bed toilet-covers.

tweed Cocoa and felt mattings at Pants and undershirts, in flannel, lamb's wool, Hessian, bed ticking, carpets merino, and cotton Top, waterproof, and tweed: coats; etc. Hosiery and 447 1: BOOTS SHOES. 1 orit Boots: men's elastic sides, watertights, halt- Wellingtons'; Hayward and North British Gum Boot Women's and children's Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, in calf, kid, and cashmere. en all N.B: -All goods in this department are marked at low. prices.on CROCKERYWARE.

ovil Breakfast, dinner, and bedroom sets complete China, glass, and earthenware goods of every deLamps: parlour, hanging, bracket scription doin FILTERS, VASES, AND LUSTRES. I 8 FANCY GOODS. 8 Electro-plated Britannia metal tea and coffee pots; meerschaum and briar pipes a choice selection patent medicines; stationery perfumery. COLONIAL PRODUCE: Wheat, Oats, Chaff, Pollard, and Potatoes. D.

A. J. Co. have been appointed sole agents for the sale of Butel superior silk dressed. dour, bran, and pollard and are prepared to promptly execute all orders within a radius of sixty miles.


desire to intimate to the Public of Cromwell 3. vi and District that they keep constantly in stock a full supply of every requisite i in above lines. Their goods are specially selected in the best markets, and are of choicest quality. The prices will be found: to compare favorably with those of any other. firm on the Goldfields.

SPECIALLY LOW QUOTATIONS TO CASH BUYERS, such as 'will enable them to realise the advantages of dealing with the Firm. Sherwood and Co. have such arrangements as. enable them "to have always on hand FLOUR, BRAN, POLLARD, AND GENERAL FARM PRODUCE OF BEST QUALITY. DAIRY PRODUCE -Fresh Butter, Cheese, Eggs, etc.

-received regularly from, one of 1:. the finest. Taieri, farms, -000- all: Goods delivered in all parts of the -Families regularly waited upon 1: AGENTS, FOR. KREE'S LITHOFRAOTEUR AND DYNAMITE, AND UNION INSURANCE 1 00.: ANAKA AND A RDRONA STORES. Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -000- 1 1: 1: ROBERT M' DOUGALL SON, GENERAL MERCH In returning thanks to their numerous patrons for favors received during their ten years' business connection with the district, beg to inform them and the public generally that their establishment contains.

a WELL-ASSORTED STOCK of all Goods necessary to Mining, Farming and Pastoral a Community, and as they are purchased in the best markets in the colonies, they are enabled to offer value equal to that of any other business establishment in the Interior. THEIR STOCK COMPRISES Groceries and Provisions all descriptions Men's Ready-made Clothing of imported and Mosgiel make 1 Ladies', Gents', and Children Boots in great variety Drapery, Saddlery, Earthenware, and Fancy Goods Wines, Spirits, Ale, and Porter of best brands Mining and Farm Tools, Builders' Ironmongery White and Red Leads, Colza, Castor and Linseed Oils Blasting and Sporting Powder and Gun Caps Tobaccos of most approved sorts Flour, Oatmeal, Pollard, Bran, Oats and Chaf Posts, Rails, Shingles and Sawn Timber. Bread and Biscuits made on the premises. Butchering carried on, Agents for the Otago Witness ard Daily Times, Saturday Advertiser, and Morning Herald, and, for the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. ROBERT M'DOUGALL SON 1 1 1 GAZETTE Argus Cromwell Advertisem*nts 0.

K. CROMWELL, COACH AND GENERAL PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, 0 Has always on hand a -fine selection of Paper have hangings, Paints, Glass, and Mouldings of ever description, at low prices. of Contracts undertaken for General Painting, Paperhanging, Decoration and Sign Writing. RICH EFAMILY BUTCHER, OL MELMORE-STREET, CROMWELL, In thanking householders of the town and district of Cromwell for the liberal patronage conferred upon him since starting business, desires to say that he has entered into such -arrange ments as will enable him to continue to supply his Customers with Beef, Mutton, Pork' and other articles in the trade of the very bes quality. SEE SMALL GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Families and Hotels waited upon 1: 1.

1 THE CROMWELL BAKERY. J. SCOTT, BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKER, Melmore-street, Cromwell. ay Families waited on for orders, and- Bread regularly delivered in all parts of the district. a He FREE TRADE BUTCHERY.

Wholesale and Retail). 0: JAMES DAWKINS PROPRIETOR. A. supply of Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Hams, Bacon, always on delivered at Town Prices throughout 0 3. the district BOOT DEALERS, MINERS, AND GENERAL poo, STOREKEEPERS, Are, Warned against buying Mining Gum Boots, got, up to resemble the manufacture of the North British Rubber and so closely both in name and appear ance; as to deceive all but the most care-ful purchasers.

All the Boots, manufactured by the North British Rubber Company bear on the heel and instep the NORTH BRITISH RUBBER COMPANY, And inside the thigh are stamped with the seal of the Company--a -pair of scales, suspended from a dagger. if: I NEILL AND LIMITED, Bond-Street, Dunedin. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE NORTH BRITISH RUBBER COMPANY. 1 J. WEAVER'S GRIESSELICH HaLL, WOOL EXCHANGE, LONDON, SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Established 1835.

Ship to order any description of British andContinental Goods upon 24 per cent. commission, selected by buyers with Colonial experience, and attomni to the prompt realization of Pro luce at highest prices upon'1 per cent. commission. Orders to be accompanied by Letters of Credit or part-remittance in Bank Drafts or Produce. Open Policies of Insurance for floating.

cargoes to cover sea risks. References: Chief Office of the London and Westminster Bank, or Agra Bank, London, and most of the Colonial Banks. Current Price Lists, Produce Repurts, and any necessary samples or information on application. BIRKS AND COMPANY, C. BANK BUILDINGS, PECKHAM, LONDON, S.

E. (and at Bono MARKET), FOREIGN: PRODUCE IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS. Produce realized at the highest market prices. Facilities for Drawing. Indents executed for all kinds of English and Continental Goods, against Bank Cre: lits or Produce, on the most favorable terms.

Twenty Years Buying Experience. Buying Agencies accepted for 24 per cent. on nett amount of Manufacturer's Invoice. Principal formerly five years manager for Thomas Adams Co. (Limited), London, REFERENCE: Continental Bank, 79.



VICTORIAH HOTEL CROMWELL. JAMES STUART, (Late of the Ferry Hotel, Bannockburn,) Begs to intimate to his friends and the public that he has purchased the above Hotel, where he hopes, by strict attention to business, and by keeping the best Wines and Spirits, to merit a share of public patronage. A hrst-class table kept, and superior. eight-stall stone stable, replete with every convenience for Travellers. Unsurpassed in the District.

N.B: -The nearest Hotel to the Court-house. TAKES WANAKA AND HAWEA, Tourists and Visitors to the above Lakes and the enchanting scenery by which they are sur-' rounded can reach Pembroke either by coach from Cromwell twice' weekly- Wednesday and Saturday--or by way of the Crown Range from Arrowtown, which is now available for vehicles. to the summit, whence can be obtained one of the most magnificent panoramas in the. Middle Island. Pending completion of the road for wheeled traffic right through to Pembroke, intending visitors should send a telegram to THE WANAKA HOTEL, when MRS RUSSELL will forward vehicles to the head of Cardrona, Valley, thus enabling Tourists to reach Lake Wanaka in a few hours' pleasant the oil bil3 The HOTEL is replete with every convenience and comfort, and charges are strictly moderate.

Boats, Buggies and Saddle Horses procurable at all times, with guides to the chief points of attraction, if desired. in 13 Stables large and well-appointed, under charge of an experienced groom. me, a tori Mine C. I. RUSSELL, NIB BBS TON HO TE DEEP CREEK, KAWARAU.

D. OWENS, (Late of the Commercial Hotel, Cromwell) Begs to inform his; numerous friends and the public generally that he has Purchased and entered into possession of the above well-known Establishment (carried on for many years by Mr. D. and he trusts, by civility and strict attention to their wants, to merit a fair share of the patronage bestowed on his predecessor. 1 Travellersand Tourists will find every provision: for their comfort and: pleasure, and effort will be spared to render the Gibbston Hotel a first-class house in every respect.

ALBERT LAKE WANAKA. ALBERT TOWN HENRY MACKAY Proprietor. H. MACKAY (late of Mouterie) having and entered into: possession of above Hotel, desires to inform Travellers, Tourists, and the General Public that they will find every' comfort and 'accommodation at this house, and that no effort will be spared to give satisfaction: to patrons. The Stabling is second 10 none upcountry, and every attention will be given in, this de-' partment.

nit ori: The Cellars are stocked with the best. brands of Wines and Spirits, and none other. will be I kept by the proprietor. HENRY. MACKAY.

ARP: OF ERIN HOTEL, BEACH STREET, QUEENSTOWN. Mrs. M'Bride Proprietress. Tourists, Excursionists, and the travelling publio generally will find at the of Erin Hotel every comfort and convenience, no expense having been spared to make this THE MOST COMPLETE HOTEL IN THE LAKES DISTRICT. M11 Families on a visit to the Lakes will realise every bome comfort at the Harp of Erin, combined with quiet and retirement.

in specially fitted SUITES OF APARTMENTS. The growing necessity for suitable accommoda tion, and the continued increase of visitors to the house, has induced the Proprietress to render everything. connected with the Harp of Erin: COMPLETE and of the FIRST CLASS, and such as favor a continuance of the liberal patronage, hitherto bestowed. 1. Reliable Hacks, suitable Vehicles, Boats, obtainable at the Hotel "by visitors who may desire them.

Guides provided if required. Fat MRS M'BRIDE, Proprietress. CROMWELL DISTRICTBREWERY. The above Brewery is now in full working operation, and the Plant has been thoroughly verhauled and improved. The Company.

is prepared to supply orders rom all parts of the District for Ale of very uperior quality, Erated Waters, etc. The public are, respectfully solicited to patronise the products of this Establishment, which it is the intention of the Company to maintain at the highest standard quality. Orders will be received by the Brewer, Mr by THOS. M'CRACKEN, Secretary. MR ROBERT HENRY, of Messrs Sherwood and has been appointed AGENT for the Company, and will call for and receive Orders at all outlying districts.

1-. Advertisem*nts TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE! DETERMINED TO SELL! W. TALBOYS IMPORTER, LONDON HOUSE CROMWELL" Having found that he has imported ton largely for winter Season, is de termined to clear off a large portion C5 his Stock by offering 01 UNPRECEDENTED .08.4 in BARGAINS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES .10.11 7 OT 42 Drapery Dress goods, all new, froin 6d French Cashmeres (double da 3d. Costume Cloth and Dress Tweeds, 10d-and 1s Black and' colored Lustres, 101-worth la 6d Chi'dren's Dresses in all textures, from 48 6d Ladies' and Children's Trimmed: Hats, from 2 6d Jackets and Ulsters from 128 61-all new goods Splendid value Stays from, 3s. Under -clothing in Ladies' and Children's, halfprice Children's Felt Skirts at is, worth 2s 6d Grey and.

White Calicoes; 3s 6d per: dozen yards Sheeting, 2 yards: wile, 91-worth 1s. 6d -All-wool. Flannel, from 81 per Grand value. in brown Hollands, from 7 Turkish Towels, 9d, and 1s-worth 1s and 1s Gd White and colored Quilts, from Colonial a and Imported Blankets from 6s per pair Buttons, Ribbons, Hosiery, and Lace Gools- Largest and Cheapest Stock on the Goldtields. 020 Pi REMNANTS AT.

HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. BARGAINS CLOTHING CLOTHING Vin Stock of 82000 must ba Reduced Milt to: 81000 00.0 3: Clothing "Tweed Suits, 208 -Value for 408 Saddle-tweed Suits, 455-half regular price!" Tweed and Pilot Coats, from 138 6d Tweed: Trousers and Vest, 12s. 6,1. to 189.61: Tweed Trousers: 73 6:1 value for 128 6d: White and colored Moles, 63. Boy's and Youths' Trouser Suits, 203 200 Kuicker and Norfolk Suits, 8s 6d be sold Wool Ribbed Drawers, 6s 6d Mosgiel, Flannel Shirts, 43 Crimean Shirts, Is l1d Men's Felt Hats, 23 Boys', Is--worth double Men's Alloa Wool Sox, 53 per VISIT W.

TALBOYS BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. JIMMA 3HT 40 107 Boots. Best Watertight Boots, (Wen's) 148 Balmorals and Elastic-sides, 14s Men's nailed TO Best Copper Elastic--sizes 4 to 6, 4s 7 to 9,. 5s 6d to 13, 6s 6.1 Maids', 73 6d Women's 8. 6:1 and 93 6d Men's Leather Slippers, elastic fronts, 53 Women's Leather Slippers, elastic fronts, 4s 61 Fifty pairs of Boots at, 23 per pairs WY SHILLING TABLE SHILLING TABLE EVERYONE SURPRISED.

The whole of the above Stock will be sold at Exceedingly Low Prices. Most of the Goods have been bought from the Manufacturers for Cash, are of Good Quality, and are now quoted at less than the -Dunedin wholesale price. llawkers and. small Storekeepers will find it to their interest to inspect the Stock of W. TALBOYS, LONDON HOUSE, CROMWELL.


Gives latest information obtainable of Bills of Sale, Mortgages, of Stock, Wool Liens, Agricultural liens, Bailments, Allidavits of Satisfaction, an I publish ss all matters relating to Bankruptcy, Letters Patent, Subscription: ONE GUINEA per annum. With Index (published half-yearly), £1 63 per annum. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE ON AAP PLICATION. Persons desirous of Subscribing to the above will please send their names and addresses toR. T.

WHEELER, Stafford-street, Dunedin, Subscribers Booked at CROMWELL ARGUS Office, be.

Cromwell Argus and Northern Gold-Fields Gazette from Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.