Cromwell Argus and Northern Gold-Fields Gazette from Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand (2024)

1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1. 1 ARGUS. JUNE 9, 1885. THE OROMWALL .00083 Miscellaneous.

.01 'TO on first class security, in £100 and upwards, Apply, 10 VA SPENCE H. TURTON, act sates. 0,3: A Solicitor. GENERAL AGENCY. "MT INING MOI W.

P. JONES, BANNOCKBURN, iS E.OR A OH AUCTIONEER 1:, CLYDE. 00113 411 Sales conducted in any part of the district. -do doll Sales rendered promptly. it 01 left with Mr.

ColBusiness- ow Cromwell, will receive due Has commenced business as above, and will be all commissions 'entrusted to happy to execute him08 Having been: admitted Mining Agent in the Warden's Court, Mr. Jones will attend to all business therein with, care and dispatch. 0401 til Address Post Office, Bannockburn. D. J.

MASON, do TO 1. collar HEADSTONES CUT TO 07 ANY DESIGN laid'T our iN 10 STONE. INSCRIPTIONS CUT I 10 one 10 In 43 A OR GRANITE. Idwest Rates. Address I 10 nibennd 128 J.

NEILL, Harp of Erin. Hotel, Queenstawn. 00083 R. ,7. A UK ANY A.

DISTRICT SURVEYOR, Will be at liberty to undertake private surveys, Gold mining and Land Board Agency ,7 L. 1 1 1 Business after, Julyilat, 1884-0 OFFICE MIGHT NE 40 R. MACKAYI00.1 07 District Surveyor. to Dunedin should" call on Mrs Gill, 13. and 15 Princes street, Dressmaker, and general Fancy Goods Repository direct from the 14.

1 best A London Warehouses, and employing a numerous assistants, they pay st all; times see the Newest Styles in Millinery, Bonnets Hate. in the Newest Shades, and Colors for "Autumn and. and, Winter wear. 00801 CHILDREN'S and" Infants' Bonnets, Hats, and Hoods, Pelisses, carrying Cloaks, Robes, ete. 00813- I up on the, of premises every from descrip- the DE made best materials.

28 Id to 16s 6d per pair: MO ing Department Millinery contains 41 the The greatest MournVariety, and is by far the best Assorted Stock in New: Zealand. Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. Mrs Gill, 13 and 15, Princes-street, 41 0014 Dunedin. 8 31: 08 Co 31 1h41 44 DOLE THE POWERFUl RIVE ninado mao (4. AH leave wharf for Head of Lake j.

Wanaka, every Monday at 9 a.m., returning on Tuesday. The Theodore will call at the various on the Lake for the purpose of convey: 9: jug cargo, stock, or passengers. During intervals the Theodore will be available for charter for public excursion trips and private on reasonable terms. owl hos I 4 "Full particulars as to terms of charter of boat or for conveyauce, of. cargo can be obtained from 1 Hedditch, or from "our Cromwell agent, Mr S.

N. BROWN, 1 A HEDDITCH SMITH, it Proprietors. ENCE PESHAC TOASTE ROBERTSON QUEENSJ; 4 TOWN, have much pleasure in informing he public that they have purchased the steamer urately owned by Williams and Archer, and will run ago 1 the And their powerful Paddle Steamer 0. ANTRIM, their Clipper-built Screw Steamer JANE WILLIAMS To and from Kingston, on TUESDAYS, and SATURDAYS," leaving Queenstown hat half-past 8 a.m., and to the Head of the Lake, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRI "DAYS, leaving about 9'4 clock a.m.; also other should, sufficient inducement offer. 1 daily RETURN TICKETS to Head of "the Lake and' Back, 125 6d; Kingston to Head cof the.

Luke and Back, .153 (available for. a week). 4th Either of the above steamers can be chartered 1 at any, time on reasonable terms. a 1: 1: 3 vi Merchandise, to from Kingston, at 3143 the 'rate ol Ten Shillings per ton, is: delivered either at Frankton or to At Queeustown. in 1: 1 4 Farin Produce, from Frankton "and Queenstown to Kingston, Five Shilwillings per tou.

Wool and Hides, to Kiugston, Ten Shillings per ton. 1. W. Robertson and having every facility for continuing the business in the same efficient manuer as heretofore, will still continue to bestow the same attention to Goods consigned to them." They request the' Consignees to j. struct their, correspondents to address their Goods to the care of J.

W. ROBERTSON CO. Queenstown. Queenstown February 12, -1884, A RS ELIZABETH REID, CROMWELL," Is prepared to act in the capacity of MONTHLY NURSE. Testimonials as to qualification on application.

COLONIAL AND INSURANCE MARINE). co. The undersigned has been appointed LOCAL AGENT, and will be happy to undertake Risks at rates, favorable to clients. Prompt Settlement of Claims Guaranteed THOMAS end DISTRICT AGENT. UNION FIRE INSUR.

NORWICH 0 I 'ANCE SOCIETY 4 RISKS TAKEN ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Melmore-Street, Cromwell JAMES MARSHALL, Bannockburn Business Announcements. WILLIAM SUTHERLAND General 1. "BLACKSMITH FARRIER, 113 MG 1 0 0906 QUARTZVILLE, Hopes, by. strict attention to business and reasonable charges, to merit a share of public Hill 00 patronage.

:00 6 Hill 00 patronage. :00 6 IRON PIPING FOR MINING PURPOSES made to any size, and not to be excelled for Strength, Durability and Cheapness. AWARAU COAL PIT, BANNOCK INQHN PRYDE, Proprietor: onto olds! odd boon to The Coal supplied from above Pit is recognised as the best yet. vended in the district. It burns freely, and emits great heat.

It is delivered at 4111 bJ 4 but Cromwell 24s per Bannock burn. 4. :208 At Pit's mouth 12s: do: voti Hid PULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. 1 00 JOHN PRYDE, colt where Proprietor. COAL PIT BANNOORBURN 110 The undersigned having purchased the above Property, 'is now prepared to deliver COALS of good quality in any part of the District at currenturates, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage.

Orders addressed to Post Office, Bannockburn, will receive prompt attention. WILLIAM PARCELL Proprietor. COALMINE, EXCELSIOR PUBLIC NOTICE. The above Mine has been purchased from 'Nulty Bros. by Mr Robert Johnson.

Coal will be supplied as hitherto by Mr Edward Nulty, to. whom all moneys for. same will be payable. 199 The coal now being worked in the Excelsior Mine is of very excellent quality, and the Pros prietor hopes to receive" an extension of the liberal support hitherto enjoyed by, his prede- Price per ton at the Pit's mouth 128. Delivered in: Cromwell and 20s.

1 R. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Miscellaneous 000 A RUSSELL, EWING 1 PROPRIETORS. 1 The Proprietors have placed the above Mille in complete working order with the best appliances obtainable and are, prepared to supply Manufactured Timber of every description Posts, Rails, Props, Slabs, at the shortest possible notice, at reasonable prices and on easy terms. 1.18 RUSSELL, de.Co., WANAKA SAW MILLS.

WILKIN RIVER 'SAW WANAKA. MILLS, OF LAKE AND. NEES, PROPRIETORS. The above Mills are now in full operation, with machinery of latest design and construction. The Proprietors are prepared to supply the public with sawn timber of all dimensions in Birch, Totaro, or Black Pine- -Boards up to 50in, in width.

Also, in any quantity, Posts, Caps, Props, Rails, and every description of or Split Timber, delivered throughout the district at lowest market rates. Address'CALWELL AND NEES, Makarora. IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN. THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Published by De Veaux and Russell, of Christchurch, is the most complete Mercantile Gazette in the colony, containing as it does every Bill of Sale and, Bankruptcy filed throughout New Zealand up to hour of publication, This really useful Paper has now entered upon the third year of its existence, and is rapidly becoming the recognised medium of the mercantile community and of the legal profession. The low price of sbuscription -ONE GUINEA per annumbringsit within the reach of all, and asitcontains in addition to the special information concerning Bankruptcy and Bills of Sale, a reliable Share List, full reports of Creditors' Meetings, Market Reports, decisions of importance in the English and Colonial Courts, and a large quantity of useful Commercial and Legal Literature, no one should be without it.

Published and mailed to subscribers every Saturday morning. Sample copy sent free on application toDE VEAUX RUSSELL, Proprietors, Christchurch. Miscellaneous. 1 HO A FOOTE, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER MELMORE TERRACE, ROM WELL Choice Selection of Tweeds on hand. Wool Wool Wool! DRESTON'S PATENT SELF.ACTING WOOL WASHER.

For' Particulars apply to the Agents for SouthlandTREW HALL, Dee-street, Invercargill. PUBLIC NOTICE. RABBITING on Morven Hills and Ardgour Stations by: Unauthorised Persons is strictly Prohibited. Offenders will be Prosecuted with the utmost rigor. Trespassers Disturbing Stock on above Runs, without first giving due notice to the andersigned, will be proceeded against.

JOHN STRONACH, Manager. April 15th, 1885. 0 I 0. POISON for Dogs LAID on Wanaka Run and Government Reserves from this date. RT.

STEWART, Manager. October 1, 1883.1 E. 1. SET: On vand after this date, POISON will be LAID for DOGS and 'RABBITS on Mount 11 Pisa and Queensberry Runs. 10 HOWELL," Manager.

Mount Pisa Station, April 2, 1883. 10 1:1 7:1 dandy mi "The' Argus, bid Vender Dun AND. I ref NORTHERN GOLD-FIELDS GAZETTE 111 doubt 1 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY HAS THE MOST EXTENSIVE CIRCULATION OP ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ON THE GOLDEN FIELDS OF OTAGO, AND OFFERS AN UNSURPASSED MEDIUM Mi: 0 0: FOR mi MAKING KNOWN THE REQUIRE MENTS OF ADVERTISERS. 1 call THE ARGUS has established a reputation as most interesting Journal for the General Reader, while Commercial Men, Tradesmen, Miners and others will find in its columns the latest Telegraph Intelligence up to the hour of going to press, and, generally, all matters of interest affecting the various occupations of the Goldfields. 8 Terms of Subscription.

QUARTER (IN ADVANCE) 65. 1 (BOOKED) 63. 6d Terms for PER INCH SPACE, EACH INSERTION. 38. Standing advertisem*nts, or for a term, as por arrangement.

11: Val 111: 1. Orders for discontinuance of Paper, withdrawal of Advertisem*nts, must be IN WRITING, otherwise the Publisher will not be responsible. It is expressly notified that when it is desired to stop the paper the subscriber must remit amount due to date, otherwise the subscription will be continued at his risk. THE CROMWELL ARGUS MACHINE PRINTING OFFICE is furnished with a splendid selection of Jobbing Type of Newest Designs, enabling the Proprietor to turn out work of every description in the best style of the Art. 1 1:1 SPECIAL, ADVANTAGES ARE OFFERED TO PARTIES REQUIRING Business, and Admission Cards.

Ball Programmes -Newest Styles Business and Invitation Circulars Illuminated Show -cards, in colored. inks gold or silver bronze Billheads and Memo. Forms 4: Receipt and Delivery-books 4 Posters and Hand-bills-any size, black or colored inks Mining Scrip and Call Receipts Address Labels, gummed or eyeleted, and EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING, All Work executed on Best Material and at MODERATE PRICES. Orders from a distance attended to with despatch. BOOKBINDING IN ALL BRANCHES.

Sample-books on view and inspection invited. DUST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK. The following are the Regulations for the above banks 1. Interest at the rate of 4 to 044 per cent per annum is given on £200 and under; at the rate of 3 to 4 per cent per annum on sums under £500; and in the same proportion for any shorter time on every complete £1 deposited, provided that no interest be allowed on more than £500. 2.

Depositors in the Post-office Savings Banks have direct Government security for the prompt repayment of their money. 3. A Depositor in any one of the Post-office Banks may continue his deposit in any other of such Banks, and can withdraw his money at that Post-office Bank which is most convenient to him. 4. The strictest secrecy is observed with respect to the Names of the Depositors in Post-office Banks, and the amounts of their deposits.

5. Money may be deposited by or on behalf of minors. Depositors over seven years of age are treated as persons of full age, but minors under seven years of age cannot withdraw their deposits until they have reached the age of seven. 6. Applications to the Chief Offices in each Province on the business of Post-office Savings Banks, and the replics sent thereto are free from any charge or postage.

TOBEL'S DYNAMITE. Miscellaneous Long and extensive use has established Nobel's to be the Purest, Safest, Most Reliable, Least Objectionable in ON close workings, and far: THE STRONGEST DYNAMITE The most perfect patent appliances are used in its. manufacture, as well as being under the direct supervision of the English Government, who insist thit every ton shall pass the most rigid tests possible, and if not of the specified quality and purity, forbid its leaving the Factory hence, uniformity, other stability, and purity are assured, whilst brands, not having the same appliances and supervision have failed to meet these severe tests, and been seized and contiscated. 1: It is unequalled for Mining, Quarrying, Blasting (in wet or dry, solid or fissured rock), Tunnelling, Breaking up Wrecks, Sunken Rocks, Blowing out and splitting up Tree-roots, Boulders, effecting immense saving in, time, labor, and money. Nobel's has proved itself far.

the strongest in mortar tests. Itssafety, including insensibility to shocks, has been completely demonstrated absence of accidents, either in transit, storage, or its legitimate use. Insist--as isdone in many places -on getting only NOBEL'S GENUINE GLASGOW MAKE Which all Bears the Company's Trade Mark, including the name of Alfred Nobel, the Inventor of Dynamite. Do not be deceived by Continental bramls. Prices have been reduced, and now are.

for 1 CASE, 50lbs 23 3d per lb 3 do do. and over 23 0d per lb in Dunedin magazine. NOBEL'S. PATENT BLASTING GELATINE Is 40 per cent. stronger than Dynamite; gives off less smoke; is as safe as' Dynamite is slower, shattering, and more expansive in its actions, indissoluble in- water, invariably remains.

soft -when all other compounds are frozen, and is fired with fuse, detonator, and dynamite primer in the same manner as Prices of Blasting Gelatine-. I CASE, 50lbs 23. 9d. per lb. 4, do, do and over 28 6d per.

lb The in Dunedin magazine. jod Necessary Tape-fuse and Detonators for firing Dynamite, and Gelatine always. in stock, also warming pans, for safely: thawing Dynamite when frozen- heat: of water. for outer: of vessel, not, to exceed fah. Printed instructions issued with every 5lb.

package. To old mi N. may be had from D. A. Jolly and Cromwell, William Jenkins, Arrowtown, and M.

J. Malaghan, Queenstown, 1 not Agents for Nobel's Explosives Company, (Limited), Glasgow: DALGETY COMPANY, 1 air Dunedin. 0 C.n TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAL. 01 (M MAIL COACHES Leave Cromwell for Dunedin every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at the usual hour; and leave Cromwell for Queenstown "every TuesDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. COACH TO LAKE WANAKA.

COBB. de MAIL COACH. Leaves Mountney's Hotel, Cromwell, FOR LAKE WANAKA THE Every wit 1: TUESDAY AND SATURDAY At noon, returning the following Thursday all Vil and Mouday, Booking Office for, Passengers and Parcels MOUNTNEY'S HOTEL, CROMWELL." All Parcels must be PREPAID before leaving the Coach 'office. This rule will be strictly ad. 111.

1. hered to. H. CRAIG A PROPRIETORS. Head Office: Peel-street, Lawrence.

HALL 14- DISPENSARY, MELMORE TERRACE, WELL. HENRY HOTOP, Having purchased the Business lately conducted by Mr. Max. Gall, begs to inform the residents of Cromwell, Clyde and the surrounding districts that he is now the only Dispensing Chemist in Vincent County, and that, to meet the requirements of his business, he has supplied himself with a Large Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES Of every description. In connection with the above, HOTOP has also a most varied and choice Stock of 1: FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, 1 SOAPS, COSMETICS, SCENTS, dc.

1:1 STATIONERY BOOKS. Ledgers, Journals, Day and Minute Books, Writing Paper and Envelopes, of all classes. GENERAL NEWS AGENCY. English, European" and American Newspapers and Journals supplied to Subscribers 1. at low rates, and sent post free all over the 0.

country. 1. 3 TOBACCOS CIGARS (Choicest Brands). SUN -As the business will be conducted under the immediate supervision of Mr H. Hotop, 'all those who may favor him with their commands may rely on every attention being paid them, Prescriptions most carefully dispensed.

Orders received from the Clyde portion of the district will be promptly attended to. HENRY HOTOP, si mi i Cromwell GRATEFUL -CUMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables.

with a delicately flavored beverage which save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles 'of diet that a constitution may be gradually, built up until strong enough to resist tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point, We' may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. -See article in the Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk.



First-class Tunerssent to all parts of the country. Repairs of all descriptions undertaken. Prices Moderate. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, The PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing at Dunedin between the undersigned in the business of Engineers and Iron Founders, under the firm of "Kincaid, M'Queen and has this day been dissolved by mutual cousent. The business will.

be continued under the same style by the undersigned CHARLES M' QUEEN, who will discharge all the liabilities of the firm, and receive all moneys due. Dated this lat day of May, 1880. JAMES KINCAID' CHARLES M'QUEEN, Witness ROBERT DICK, Solicitor, Dunedin. 1: 14 With reference to the above, I beg to thank the numerous. customers.

of the Firm for the iberal support that has. been accorded during the past 18' years, and to express a hope' that I shall retain the confidence that has been be. stowed hitherto. was a CHARLES M'QUEEN. OBER BOYNE GENERAL STOREKEEPER AND A NEWS AGENT, 01 1.0 7: 1 a yd BALLARAT STREET, QUEENSTOWN.

sit! Books and. Stationery of all kinds kept in stock I biJ 10 Agent for THE CROMWELL ARGUS. Orders for Advertisem*nts and Subscriptions received. mill Agent for all the principal Home and Mi1 Colonial Newspapers and Periodicals, which are received regularly by every mail. 1 DIAL ARROWTOWN.

HALL A. HOTOP, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, Vendor of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent 1:: Proprietary Medicines. 11 Fancy Goods, Stationery, Account and School 0:: 00 Books, HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. Agent for THE CROMWELL ARGUS. 2.

A FACT WORTH KNOWING I THE Undersigned has always on hand a First-class assortment of- Silver and Gold Jewellery of newest designs Fancy Goods To mi Outdoor Games tel Indoor and Presentation Albums 02 Desks A 800 Workboxes Fancy Needlework 3 80.8 Silks 'i 0 Wools, 13 etc. Toys 11 Accordians Glass and Electroplated Ware Clocks: 1, And other lines too numerous to' particularise. 1 1: A Specialty is JACOBS' SILVER HUNTING ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES, 01: 1 -PRICE, £4 Guaranteed for three Years. 1 1: All orders forwarded carriage paid, and any Goods which are not approved of exchanged. The Trade, Bazaars, supplied at Special Prices.

NOTE ADDRESSS. JACOBS, THE GIFT DEPOT, 11. (Opposite Princes- Dunedin Established over Eighteen Years. AWARDED FIRST PRIZE FOR WATCHES AND CLOCKS, NEW ZEALAND, EXHIBITION, 1865. Established 1862.

T. YOU G. IMPORTERS, CHRONOMETER, WATCH do CLOCK MAKERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, Invite inspection of their extensive and wellassorted stock of Gold and Silver Watches Gold and Silver Jewelry English French American Clocks, Silver and Goods Having received ex recent arrivals, large shipments ot New Goods, their stock will be founa to contain all the NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE DESIGNS of the Home markets. G. and T.

YOUNG import all their goods from the maker direct, buy for cash, and sell at the lowest remunerative prices. They would call particular attention to their magnificent stock of Gold and Silver English Lever Watches, the quality of which is second to none. and really much superior to what is generally sold here. Prices from £6 upwards; American Waltham Lever Watches, from £3 10s. All watches guaranteed two years, aud sent to any part of the colony, post free, on receipt of P.O.

order or bank draft. Note the Addresses 80, Princes-street Dunedin Great North Road, Tircaru Thames-street, THE PUBLIC beno ni nated Executor under the Will of a 'Testator, or Trustee un'ler a marriage or other settlement. No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee is appointed Present Trustees, Executors or Administrators may, if approved, relieve themselves 'of future responsibility by transferring trusts to the Public Trustee. Hence, Trustees residing in England, America, or elsewhere, holding! moneys for the benefit of persons who have emigrated to New Zealand, may not only relieve themselves of responsibility, but, as the rate: of interest obtainable in New Zealand exceeds the English rate, will greatly augment the income of the beneficiaries by so doing. The State gives an absolute guarantee against loss of funds by the fraud or dishonesty of its officers.

'The Public Trustee holds large sums of money for investment ou real security at current rates of interest. Applications for advances mortgage: will be receivel at. the various agencies, where all further particalars may be obtained. R. C.

HAMERTON, Trustee, JAMES HICKSON, Agent at Clyde. Diseased Nature oftentimes breaks forth in strange eruption ili, Scene I. TO THE PUBLIC. COME patients suffering from nervous aftections are afraid from sheer bashfulness and mo lesty to personally consult me lical man, other patients have not the self-possession and coolness when in the consulting room tu accurately describe the symptoms- -their habits of life, and the nature of the disease that they suffer from. Let such persons (he or she) sit quietly down in the privacy of their.

own apartments, and with calm minds describe clearly each: symptom, of their case, 2 clear statement thus written, and laid before me, is far preterable in NERVOUS di eases, to a personal consultation. Where, ever, a disease is of a peculiar and exceptiona character, a personal consultation, may become necessary but my success correspondence is so great, that of the thousands upon thousands whom I have treated by letter during the last 32 years, not a single mistake has ever occurred, not a case has ever been made public -in fact, the very simplicity of my system of correspondence prevents 43 At the saine time medicines are sent to my patients in such a form as to defy detection. How many thousands have not I brought joy to How many have been enabled to enter into the marriage state through consulting How many after marriage have privately consulted me and been blessed, and their married lives made fruitful and happy. How many wasted ruined youths of both sexes have also been restored to health, and thanked their manhood for having consulted' me by A letter. How many questions arise' where the family physician is unable to unravel the case, and where often the patient lingers on; not daring to tell his family medical adviser the nature of' his complaint; until consumption, wasting, or mental diseases set and the sufferer gets youd the curable stage, and is left a hopeless wreck.

A letter written in the privacy of the room and dropped in the post box reaches me quietly; the answer is returned quietly and and the patient, without 'stepping from his chamber, 'except to post, his letter, is by return of post put in full possession of the 'nature of his case. His hopes are, raised, his doubts removed, and he is comparatively a new man in fact in many cases, 'a new being gether. The only addition to the ordinary written letter is theage, occupation, habits, and symptoms, nothing usual consultatlon fee of El must be enclosed; otherwise no answer: will be returned. -Yours truly, LOUIS L. SMITH.

CONSULTATION FEE, by letter, Personal consultation, £1 'ls. Thelatter includes medicine. Medicines forwarded, well packed, to all the Colonies, India and AddressI LA DR L. L. SMITH, 182, COLLINS-ST.

EAST, "MELBOURNE. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. UNIVERSAL Let all sufferers from general or local disease take heed and follow in the wake of thousands who ascribe their restoration of health to the use of Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Rheumatism in the muscles or joints, gouty pains, neuralgic tortures, cramps and spasmodic twitches depart under the employment of these noble remedies. Bad legs, all kinds of wounds, ulcers, 'sores, burns, cutaneous inflammations, are quickly conquered.

The 'reputation Holloway's Ointment and Pills have acquired throughout the habitable Globe should induce 'every afflicted person to give them a fair trial before despairing of relief or abandoning hope. BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS. -OLD WOUND SORES be AND ULCERS. It is surprising how quickly a sore, ulcer, or wound deprives the body of strength and it for the duties of life, and it is no less wonder. ful to watch the effect of Holloway's Healing Ointment, when it is used according to the printed directions, and 'assisted by appropriate doses of the Pills.

BRONCHITIS, DIPHTHERIA, SORE COUGHS AND COLDS. HE This Ointment will cure. when every other means has failed. It is a sovereign remedy iu all derangements lof the throat and chest. Settled coughs.

or wheezing will be promptly removed by rubbing in the Ointment. 1. GOUT 'AND RHEUMATISM Will be cured with the greatest certainty if large quantities be well worked into the afflicted parts. This treatment must be perseveringly followed for some time and duly assisted by powerful doses of, Holloway's Pills, These purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of, all persons liable to. rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or other painful affections of the muscles, nerves or PILES, FISTULAS, DROPSICAL SWELLINGS.

This incomparable Ointment is earnestly recommended to all suftering from or having a tendency to dropsy. The worst cases will yield in a comparatively short space. of time when the Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected. In all serious maladies the Pills should be taken, to purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Both the.

Ointment. and Pills should be used in the following complaints x1 Bad Legs Scalds Bad Breasts Sore Nipples Sore Throats' 14 Burns Bunions Skin Diseases Bite of Mosquitoes and Scurvey Sandflies Sore Heads Coco-bay Tumors Chiego foot Ulcers Chilblains Wounds and Yaws Fistulas Cancers Gout Contracted and Stif Glandular Swellings Joints Lumbago Elephatniasis Piles Chapped Hands Rheumatism 1 Corns (soft) Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words Holloway's Pills and Ointment, engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 78, New Oxford street London where alone theyare manufactured Printed and published every Tuesday by the Proprietor, STEPHEN NOBLE BROWN, at TAR ARGUS Machine Printing Office, Melmore Terrace, Cromwell, Otago, N.Z. TUESDAY, JUNE 9..

Cromwell Argus and Northern Gold-Fields Gazette from Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.