Cromwell Argus and Northern Gold-Fields Gazette from Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand (2024)

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1897 THE CROMWELL ARGU LAWSOKT IJS ei ilfeR I 50 fl HH a 3 8 S' CS 'BnWvi la IBsWS O' 3B 8 I WW SB 1 8 3 Mw I Mte W' JL JOZGTLT OUSTS AG A daxOe REBOiM 1 61 or Bifiors and Disord 1 hid srd in the Stomach Sick Headache Gid iinejs ulness and Dizziness and Drowsiness Id Chilis lu hirgs of 1 nt ss of Breath Ccstiveness Blcf on the Skin Sir i' 1 and all Nervous and Tremhlinr The is Jost relief in mxnr minutes Thj is no fr Everr iffi is earn in to trv one Ifox cf these ills and they Will a 'chno'viedied to 1 dZlTLI A GUINEA A BOX LLS tshea will quickly restore females to complete rcm jve atiy ebstru tion or irregularitv of the svstem or a Xd re Kf dng the back th kej 'ij i and sd Tr hTs? 'r Theeeere is vi i'9 Nerwme in' st Mta bD Pr laa4 wL JP Tt I SOM "Established 188 3 HOWELL AND CO PIANO MANUACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OCTAGON Dunedin Hopkinsons WORLD AMED PIANOORTES 'Wml! amous model" pianos i ROM 35 GUINEAS PRICE LISTS BTC RBB ON APPLICATION sss DUNEDINT 1 THE GREAT HERBAL REMEDY HAS CURED MRS UNDESEN GALL STONES Church Street Timaru July 16 1806 To the Agent for Vitadatio Mr A Palmer Invercargill Dear When you called to see me seven weeks ago and told me what the Herbal Remedy would do for me it seemed too good to betrue but I have found it even better than you claimed for it I have been suffering from Gali Stones for about 10 years and have on several occasions had my life despaired of I had been constantly ill for 12 months before you called and had passed several small stones with great pain During nine months of the time I suflered from Jaundice and was unable to take solid food I had the best medical advice of the town and alter a consultation the Doctors said they could not do anything more for me unless I submitted to an operation which 1 refused to do About five weeks after I began taking and had taken about three large bottles I passed a large stone about the size of a hazel nut and almost without any pain The Jaundice has now completely left me and my appetite has returned I can eat anything and can walk about and attend to my duties and feel to be in the best of health I freely give you this testimonial as I wish other sufferers to know about this Wonderful Remedy and I thank God that you came to Timaru with it You are at liberty to make whatever use you think fit of this letter and I shall be pleased to answer any enquiries about my case Yours gratefully (MRS) BUNDESEN Obtainable Wholesale and Retail from VITADATIO DEPOT Tay Street Retail from Chemists and Grocers also from ROGGAl'f Esk Stre verc rgill i gY aA AZETTb iKY TP HSDAY Ha rii Exiwni: ii jlation of an New Arsa 1: on the Gold fields of vtaoo and offers An Unsurpassed Medium OR MAKING KNOWN THE BE QUIKEMENTS ADVERTISERS The Argus has established a reputation as a most interesting Journal for the General Reader while Commercial Men Tradesmen Miners and others will find iu its columns A A hi A L'i 11LhANHRA SORTH Agrh ultura! Muchiu iiy made and Repaired Hydraulic luming Dredge Materials of all Descriptions Wheelwright Work Portable Boilers Garden Scats A Large Assortment of Water Pipes and ittings Horses shod on thg most approved principles james Telman ALEXANDRA SOUTH No Is 91 i No 2s per lb i I i Weill and Co Limited DUNEDIN CHAS BEGG CO 21 PRINCESS STREET DUNEDIN Invite Inspection of their Splendid Stock of Pianos by the leading English and German Makers including Collard Collard Erinsmead Gors Kallmann and ENGLISH EXHIBITION LIODBX PIANOS £38 Nett STORT CLASS ORGANS TUNING REPAIRING all Instruments carefully executed by Competent Workmen The Largest Stock of Sheet and Book Music in the Colonv Just Published a Complete Catalogue of Songs Dances etc Copies posted on receipt of name and address REID AND OVER 12000 MADE OVER 12000 MADE Important Improvements in PLOUGHS this Season All Moulboards are now made to duplicate The beam where the land lever stud is bolted on to Plough is made broaderto compensate for bolt holes DIGGERS BOTH SINGLE AND DOUBLE i with Either Hard Tempered Steel or Diamond Chilled Mouldboards) Patent Dust proof Plough Wheels supplied when required at an extra cost of 15a per Set of Three Wheels DISC i A It In sizes from 6it to 1 2ft wide i pi adjustment for equalising the weight so that the disci cut imilormiy ep ai over at any angle The only really good disc harrow iu the ma let "Th: bmn iuga vviil not cut the axle and ruruly ever cq airc lebtwhig JJEW POSITIVE yLK) CAST S3ED SOWER This is ui4miinAiy the oivy good broadcast seed sower AMERICAN VARKirlN iiHJAlBd PLOUGHS £3 10s EACH 4atr Visitors ta the Winter IShows inc cadimly invited to call at our Works and inspect SOLE AGNTS OR SOUTH ISLAND OR THE WELL KNOWN Ruclg Whitworth Bicycles A LARGE STOCK TO ARRIVE SHORTLY Illustrated Catalogue on Application the latest Telegraph Intelligence up to the hour of gmug to press and generally all matters of interest affecting the various occupations of the Gold fields Terms of Subscription Pek Quarter (in advance) Gs (booked) 6h Gu Terms for Advertising: Per Inch space each insertion 3s Payable at time of Insertion tf booked 6d per inch each insertion extra Standing advertisem*nts or for a term as per arrangement Advertisem*nts for Theatrical Musica or other Professional Companies 4s per inch each insertion strictly in advance In no case will any such advertisem*nt be taken unless accompanied with cash or a re mittance Orders fur discontinuance of Paper or withdrawal of Advertisem*nts must be in writing otherwise the Publisher will not be responsible It is expressly notified that ivhen it is desired to stop the papet the subscriber must remit amount due to date otherwise the subscription will be continued at his risk Business and Invitation Circulars Illuminated Show cards in colored inks gold or silver bronze Receipt and Delivery books Ball Programmes Newest Styles Business and Admission Cards Every other Description of Printing THE CROMWELL ARGUS MACHINE PRINTING OICE is furnished witn a splendid selection of Jobbing Type of Newest Designs enabling the Proprietor to turn out work of every description in the best style of the Art World famed Blood is a guaranteed cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases It is the most searching blood cleanser ever discovered and it will free the system from all impurities from whatever cause arising or Sciofula Scurvy Eczema Bad Legs Pimples and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it Sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle Beware of worthless imitations As a Safe Permanent and Warranted mr Pimples Scrofula Scurvy Bad Legs Skin and Blood Diseases Pimples and Sores of all kinds wo can with confidence recommend World famed Blood Mixture is certainly the finest Blood Purifier that science and medical skill have brought to Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it Sold everywhere at 2s 8d per bottle Beware of worthless imitations You have ruined your constitution suffi ciently by drinking inferior Tea Recruit by drinking only KOZIE TEA it is absolutely puis A Jolly Sons agants A TERRIBLE COUGH A TERRIBLE COUGH 94 Commercial Road Peckham July 12 Dear Sir I am a poor hand at expressing my feelings but I should 'ike to thank you Your lozenges have done wonders in relieving my terrible cough Since I had the operation of Tracheotomy (the same as the late Emperor of Germany and unlike him thank God I am still alive) performed at St Hospital no oue could possibly have had a more violent congh it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me The mucous which was very copious and hard has been softened and I have been able to get rid of it without difficulty I am sir yours truly A TESTIMONY A TESTIMONY Routh Park Cardiff South Wales Sept 28 1893 I have indeed great pleasure in adding my testimony to your excellent preparation of Cough Lozenges and I have prescribed it now for the last eight years in my hospitals and private practice and found it of great benefit I often suffer from Chronic Bronchitis your Lozenge is the only remedy which gives me immediate ease Therefore I certainly and most strongly recommend your Lozenges to the public who may suffer from Catarrh Bronchitis Winter Cough or any kind of Pulmonary Yours truly A GABRIEL MD LRUP and LM Edinburgh LRCS and LM Edinburgh USE LOZENGES USE LOZENGES is 75 ye ibs ago since KEAT COUGH LOZENGES were first made and the sale is larger than ever because they are unrivalled in the relief and cure of Winter Cough Asthma and Bronchitis one alone gives relief UTTERLY UNRIVALLED Keatincs Cough Lozenges the unrivalled remedy for COUGHS HOARSENESS and THROAT TROUBLES are sold in Tins by all Chemists Certainly the best medicine known is Sander and Eucalypti Extract Test its eminently powerful effects in coughs colds influenza the relief is instantaneous in serious cases and accidents of all kinds be they wounds burns scaldings bruises sprains it is the safest no swelling no inflammation Like surprising effects produced in croup diphtheria bronchitis inflammation of the lungs swellings etc diarrhoea dysentery diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs In use at hospitals and medical clinics all over the globe patronised by his majesty the King of Italy crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition Amsterdam Trust in this approved article and reject all others the blood is diseased the body is Remember that the blood whether pure or impure circulates through the organs of the human body Lungs Heart Stomach Kidneys Brain If it is laden with poisonous matter it spreads disease on its course In cases of Scrofula Scurvy Eczema Bad Legs Skin and Blood Diseases Pimples and Sores of all kinds the effects of Blood Mixture are marvellous Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it Blood Mixture is sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle Beware of worthless irritations and substitutes TO THOSE IN SEARCH BOOTS AND SHOES RELIABLE QUALITY SARGOOD SON EWEN IN ADDITION TO THE STANDARD BRAND ON THE HEEL HAVE STAMPED THE OLLOWING NAMES ON A EW THEIR IRST QUALITY BOOTS SHOES TO DISTINGUISH THEM ROM INERIOR MAKES A Now Offc' cd to the Public TheMiner Heavy Watertights hand closed and nailed JJlDNEfL The armer Watertights nailed pegged TH The Durable rench Calf ES pegged plain or naileii Ti: di able The Stockman bent EI Kip Open front Balmerals Pegged heavy soles nail (special) lil STOCKMAN Artisan Men's EI Kip Open ront Balmorals Pegged nail THE ARTISAN ixunhblder EI Kip Cookhams Pegged nail (special) THE RD HOLDER The Climax rench Calf Cook A A A hams (special) sewn THE CLIMAX TheTMonarch rench Calf Open ront Balmorals Pegged nail or plain THE MONARCH The Viceroy rench Calf Shoes (sewn) THE VICEROY The Empress rench Calf Bal morals (rivets) TEE EMPRESS The Eclipse and rench Calf Balmorals (pegged) THE ECL IPSE The Electric Levant Seal Leg rench Calf Golosh Bal morals Open front sewn for light wear THE ELECTRIC The Opal Ladies Kid Balmorals (sown TH OPAL The Supremacy Morocco High leg Balmorals (rivets) TH SUPREMACY The Queen Morocco Balmorals (sewn) THE QUEEN The Topaz Kid Oxford Shoes (sewn) THE TOPAZ The Unique Morocco Oxford Shoes (sewn) THE UNIQUE The Diamond Real Seal Balmorals (sewn) THE DIAMOND The Granite and Best EI Kip Balmorals (nail) THE GRANITE The Agate aud Kip Balmorals (nail) THE AGATE The Anchor rench Calf E8 (pegged) THE ANCHOR The Spartan rench Calf Bal morals (plain) THE SPARTAN The Alpine High legged Morocco Goat Balmorals THE ALPINE The Adamant Kip Balmoral School Boots (nail) special THE ADAMANT Ask your Boot Dealer for any of the above names and see that the name you ask for IS STAMPED TOGETHER W'ITH THE STANDARD BRAND ON THE HEEL SARGOOD SON AND EWEN PRIZE MEDAV TEAS ('sin Within fiwlfesrfteHS PURE CEYLON PURE! EDIAO BLENDED I ft EACH PRICE ANO OP TO 4 PER LB SOLD SY AU GKOCERS HAVE NOTHING ELSEi Whenever one talks about'Jtheir teeth the name of MYERS invariably crops up Their Charges being moderate their Work the best and their acknowledged anxiety to have all artificial work comfortable and useful and life like is the leason of their large practice' and the cause) of their being invariably well spoken of Their arrange ment to take Time Payments is doubtless convenience to some SEEDS There is nothing like success and this was demonstrated at the DUNEDIN WINTER SHOW with 20 irst Prizes and 8 Second Prizes OB Seeds mostly of Colonial Growth Lovers of good Vegetables and lowers shotild read our Illustrated Catalogue of SEEDS in which will bo found everything up to date Agricultural Seeds of inest Quality Samples and Prices on Application SEED POTATOES ROSES RUIT TREES SHRUBS ALL WELL GROWN AT MODERATE PRICES STANDARD BONE MANURE PLANET JR IMPLEMENTS NIMM0 BLAIR SEED MERCHANTS SEED GROWERS Dunedin SURE RHEUMATIC CURE A Sure Cure for Rheumatism Sciatica Lumbago Soreness between the Shoulders Sprains etc etc One testimonial out hundreds that have been Cured Mr Barton illeul Street Dunedin Dear Sir I have been a martyr to RHEUMATISM for the last five years A friend recommended me to try your RHEUMATIC CURE and to my delight before finishing one bottle I was com pletely cured I am happy to say sleepless nights are a thing of the past Should your cure become thoroughly known it will confer a boon on suffering humanity Yours Truly Davies Wood Turner Octagon Dunedin 1st June 1896 Post free to auy address 4s Address BARTON MANUACTURING CHEMIST illeul Street Dunedin pLANTING SEASON SECURE GOOD HEALTHY TREES BY ORDERING EARLY Apples (all on blight proof stocks) Pears Peaches Plums Apricots Cherries All approved varieties and at low prices Ornamental and lowering Shrubs in great variety VEGETABLE LOWER SEEDS of the Choicest Strains A11 are tested before being sent out POMONA ORCHARD SPRAY PUMP including Tank Conveyance Pump Delivery Hose Directing Rod WT Valve and Nozzle £5 5s net cash Awarded Special Prize at Internationa Conference of Australasian ruitgrowers Wellington 1S96 H0WDEN 51 PRINCES STREET DUNEDIN AND MANORBURN NURSERIES ALEXANDRA BOWIE Agent Cromwell SOLOMON Auctioneerj Valuator Sharebroker and Commission Agent MELMORE TERRACE CROMWELL ACCOUNT SALES RENDERED PROMPTLY JQ A AMILY OIL ROM YOUR GROPER BVKRY TIN BTAMHSD TO AVOID COUNTKKBIT NOONDAY JIL In the first instance costs a little more per gallon than other Oils but when you take into consideration the brilliant light given with less Consump tion of Oil Less illing and Trimming of Lamps the high test and superiorpacking the Consumer will find it Cheaper than inferior Oils that are Sold at a Lower Price Dunedin carriage ACTORY (Princes Street South Dunedin) Hordern White Have now on Single and Double Buggies Station Waggons Waggonnettes Spring Carts etc irst award for Carriages at New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition 1889 90 the Blood is the World famed Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities from whatever cause arising or Scrofula Scurvy Eczema Bad Legs Skin and Blood Diseases Pimples and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it Sold everywhere at 2s 9iL Beware of worthless imitations VAIUNG HEALTH RESTORED si IBllowariiIs CHEST COMPLAINTS No diseases are more frequent few nBBl dangerous than affections of the respiralBi organs The first symptoms of them nSWw always bo alleviated ujr re nowned Pills They quickly remedy any local congestions moderate the hurried breathing and enable the lungs to do their office with ease and regularity These Pills cleanse the blood from all impurities and fortify the system against consumption asthma and similar complaints Stomach Liver Kidneys Bowels These organs are frequently getting out of order and require some suitable medicine to regulate them Pills effect) this object with wonderful certainty They do not distress the system or weaken the frame they thoroughly invigorate the diges tive organs and stimulate the kidneys to perform their functions efficiently acting upon the bowels without griping Again taken an hour before dinner they cannot be equalled as a as they entirely prevent acidity and flatulency DROPSICAL SWELLINGS Whoever is afflicted with these complaints should at once have recourse to Pills They act most energetically on the exhalant and absorbent systems purify the blood and impart a vigor which age or other causes may have temporarily taken away hey excite the kidneys to increased activity and pronote watery discharges Disorders Peculiar to Women There is no medicine equal to Pills for correcting the ailments incidental to females They may be taken with safety for any irregularity of the system They remove all cause of maladies and so restore by their grand purifying properties females of all ages to robust health INDIGESTION BILE AND SICK HEADACHES No organ in the human body is so liable to disorder and serious disease as the liver Pills regulate every erring func tion give strength to every enfeebled organ speedily remove all causes of indigestion bile and sick headaches and thus effect a permanent cure Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases Ague Asthma Bilious Com plaints Blotches on the Skin Bowel Com plaints Colics Constipation of the Bowels Consumption Debility Dropsy Dysentery Erysipelas emale Ir regularities evers of all kinds its Gout Headache Indigestion Inflammation Jaundice Liver Com plaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of Urine Scrofula or Evfl Sore throats Stone Gravel Secondary Symptoms Tic Douloureux Tumours Ulcers Venereal Afieo tions Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at' 78 New Oxford St (late 533 Oxford St) London And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World with directions for use in almost every language tr Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533 Oxford St London they are spurious GREAT REDUCTIONS IN CUTLERY AND NS GOODS rom Sheffield actory direct ex Ruapehu and Pakeha steamers Half dozen Tea Spoons 1 Dessert Spoons 10s Table Spoons 2 Jsuaily sold at 15s Half dozen Dessert orks Table orks 1Ua Usually sold at 15s Half dozen Dinner Knives I Table Knives 10s White Handles Usually sold at 15s Carver and ork 50d Gs 6d 8s Gd 10s 6d Carver ork and Steel in cases Ils 6d 15s 18a Carriage paid Guaranteed Good Quality Money returned if not approved hm son IMPORTER Arthur Street DUNEDIN ONE I GOME to you with a small affair that you may need In England the Continent and many foreign countries myself and wares are well known Many American families on their return from abroad bring my articles with them for they know them pretty well but you may not one of these Confidence between man and man slow of growth and when found its rarity makes it valuable 1 ask your confidence and make a reference to this Journal to indorse that confidence I do not think it will be misplaced 1 make the best form of a an absolute one for biliousness and headache that can be found in this year The cure is a small in itself and yet its comfort to you is so great 20 minutes being its limit wheflk relief comes that it has become the marvel of its time One and a half grains of medi cine coated with sugar is my remedy in the shape of one small pill known to com merce as DR NEW LIVER PILL It is old in the markets of Europe out is new to New Zealand The price i as low as an honest medicine can be sold st 25 cents Send a postal card for A sample vial to try them before yoa purchase DR HAYDOCK 63 ULTON STREET NY NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO CHRISTCHURCH GENERAL AGENTS How is it that Blood Mixture has tained such great is a question which has perplexed many The answer is that it is un questionably the finest Blocdl Purifier that science and medical skill have brought to light Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it or Scrofula Scurvy Eczema Skin and Blood Diseases Bad Legs Pimples and Sores of all kinds its effect are marvellous Sold everywhere at 2s 9d per bottle Beware of worthless imitations and substitutes Printed and published every Tuesday by the Proprietor Thomas at The Argus Machine Printing Office Melmore Terrace Cromwell Otago TUESDAY JULY 6 189 HOLLOWAYS PILLS BIPI ED HOLLOWAYSPILLS.

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Cromwell Argus and Northern Gold-Fields Gazette from Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5668

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.