Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

LATE NEWS TOLD BRIEFLY PASSES HOUSE 1 0F KINGS THEr COURIER (RASK II OIRVE PUBLISHED Truak TenvoUag lls r-: Whare a person purchases a tkkat; oa railroad for tha solo pdrpoae of having hla truak checked over the road Sad sot with the intention of traveling os the train, aad after hla truak ranch- aa iU daatlaatloa it to stolen while ia the baggage room of tha railroad, tha Buprame court bf Michigan, ia the ease of Marshall Ponttoe ft Oat anew ef Xu Oriela. Cat 'shows do not date from- mors than a decade aad a half; dog shows have at toast an existence ofthrso-quarten of a century. The foremost Kmropeaa galleries eoatala hundreds of ptetarsa of doga; -thar are not ssora of great arttote who have devoted their taleats to the pictorial representations of the cab NEBRASKA Vvr-Vr'? BRUX1X0. O.j 'j N. W.

RepL, 341) holds that the relation of passenger did aot exist, axd that tha railroad oompaay ia not liable r--'- -ft except tor gross T. i Brttalrt OM Bridle-tetns 'y Sse row- mrM Get reedy )' 1 Air4-'' 1 i. i 4 v- William PMorriara, old pioneer tealdratAf Bradshaw, died tost week 1 Dr Charles Slaughter ie aTongamwie 1 I a kllaa lla MMIMIMli whoaenanebelleahlaworka. -v-After tha ahaadoamant of Britain by tha Romani tba Toada felL lato and brldla-pathg formed tha r. only means of eommnntcation.

Not aatll the, aixterath year of Chartoa il, that; 18, 1873, was. effort'', mafia to improva tha roads of Eagtoad. physician rJ (hieeola haa a case of smallpox jh ihe peraoA of Deputy County Clerk Holl- The ugradnate," girl and 3 Mnlleg Wlthant Ink. A' eompanr hna bean formed to control tho procooo of printing without Inkr end In a abort ttano It lo expected that old methods will bo revolutionised. Tbero lo ono thing, however, that has res all Innovations; that (a, Hostet tors Kuneb Bir lttara.

It la a wonderful medicine for billouoneoo. Insomnia, constipation and-Bervcuineee. lt alao provonta malaria, favor and ague; It, and you will not bo disappointed, i. i- -TV This to the oeaaon when every one at a boarding house bate everybody else for beating the bntk tub, lv- tl3 iRpS) 'fv Point, departed reoently for an extend- v- 'r rWt to Denmark. I Yhe Farmera and Merchants bunk of Alyohiu been chartered to dobnalneaa.

la 9700. v. ') Xebrnaka dUtrietlor 'V Thomna Xldrraon, funner llelng a- mm whs iaerfoualy hurt by hont trumping on of Omaha, ban re from Uorernor tagraa deputy state nUHnaria Ihomaa Seed of Sod Cloud aged elx, died It in thought i the oldest citlaen ln the county. -i m- Hr KehraakaCity is tohnyc newachool house which will coat 94, BOO. It will a vt --i xj i h- he for the aeeommbdatlon of the high ti graduating cUae of the Beatrice, high 0 IhrmoenJ northern liage oouhtr king botnerpdhy chinch thrir winter wbea anil dawiaga v.

"Vr1 boy, has been aenteneed tda term In the reform school at Kearney for in Vf uw- A woinaii is sick--ome disease pecnliar tcr her sex is fait derelopino; in her ijetem. She goes to her. family physician and teUimm a stor, but not the whole ktory. yj. She holds hack gomethiog, loses her head, becomes forget what die wants to.

ear, and finally conceals what jhe ought to hare told, -and thu completely, mystifies the doctor. Ia it a wonder, therefore, that the doctor falls to cure the disease Still we cannot blame the woman, for it is rery em Ertph Worstef, aged Cortland disappeared. It. ja' alleged hie mind waa not well balanced, and feara llde are entertained. ''l 55 Lancaatri County the bulk of the planted, rye and winter wheat ia heading, pastures are excellent, and vV.

Hildebrand, of Normal; a suburb oi Llnooln, estimates hi a barrassing to detail some of the eren to her family physician. 4' otrnwherfy crap will yield twenty-flre 9. Vd -IS. Iwpovtoat aa4 Omni Ha eleetly Sewi Cotonel David B. Henderqoa, speaker of thetomae, and.

hia have left New Yerk foy Enrope for a three months tour. 1 At Chicago, Matthew J. well known in theatrical circles, consumed the contents of -twenty-three-ehami pagne bottles, aad died the following Jv l- General George Augustas Stone, veteran of the rivll war and since 1834 a national bank examiner in died at the Burlington Burlington, Iay aged sixty-eight. At the inatenoeof Count the imperial ebaaodtor. Emperor William hue ordered the eommaad in Chian, to he brokea np and that preparations he made to reduce Germany' forces 1 President McKinley and left Han Francisco Saturday, Wsahing-r ton.

The special will go direct, making noetopa. Tuesday morning.Mra. McKinley waa reported as i standing the trip very At Key West, Edgar Beauclelgh killed Inea Leonard and then shot Both were members 7 of the DOrmund-Fnller dramntlq ''company and were engaged- No possible causa is know for the tragedy, Information has reached Elkine, IT. Yaof the murder' of Miaa Saiiah Parker by 8am Reed, at Galdy Fork, twenty mile from tVUliam Duply, of whom Reed was jealous, waa slightly wounded, Reed eacaped. i v- At Portaiimith, Noah Jrimaon; a cyclist while aoorehing over the -conrae for the coming race collided with E.

Barrows, who sustained injnriee from which he died- Johnson, waa atreated on charge ofmanslaughter. The Rev! Lonla Zeahn, of 8t Johns Lutheran chareh at Qulacy, Ilbi dropped dead Sunday afternoon while delivering an addreaqat the layjhg of ihe aovner atone el the aew-hallding. bbibg erected by 8t. Jacobi church. The naval having of the naval station on PearL harbor, Hawaii, hM 'completodjte-1 woric.v.'t The board adheres to Ha view that Pearl is the only harbor capable of ompleia naval defense.

It is only fivd miles from Honolulu. ji school i. track team won the annual Missouri Valley high school field meet at KansaaCity, with 45 Tb team' met representative from Iowa, and and madajhc remarkable reo-ord of searing in every Utley pf the Siegel- Sanders Live Stock Gommlaaion ooni-pany of Kantau City; has made affidavit charging Frank biegeL late" president of the company with emhcaueling total of 9143,485.04 of the company's money. vr Kir gel Is in G. JTartqnist, I brakeman on a wehthonnd Burlington slipped and fell while trying to get oq the caboose in the Omah and-wa Instantly killed, hi body being mangled In a terrible manner, lie waa where he haa relativea A record waa established in the eom nation sale of Hereford cattle, in the Union stock yards Chicago, Wednesday, when John Hooker, of Xew 'London, sold the nine-year-old cow Dollle IIL' with- heifer calf at her aide, for The purchaser waa N.

W. Bowen of Delhi, Ind. L. Brioker, living northwest of Beatrice, reporta ge hla hired man, John Holdes-neas simultaneously 970. in cash whldk Mr; Brieker aajrk he.

left in' a trousers' pocket. Holderneaa lived at Beatrice until he engaged to work for Brieker, about a month ago. -1 -2 Both Senators Tillman and McLanrin of South Carolina have reaignd- United States senators, and agreed- to gq before people of the joint eaavam to settle the. question iff leadership The people will express their Hpefcrrara in a vote in a democratic primary to he held in November. IV tt The yacht Independence will race la trial races agalnst the yacht Conititn-tlon.

Mr. Jdtwapn having, pemoted the ohatacto against hla hoat-by agreeing' to a charter interoat to a member; iff the Xew York yacht dub, The Americas rap raees will begin on September 13, Sir Thomas Liptop having agreed to that date and promised to hla Moses T. Ilale for nine years rity treasurer of Colorado Springs, haa been arrested charged with misappropriating funds of the city amounting to Charles EKmith, who had been selected by tliiilb make an examination of the I'boqV, qnd who' reported everything oiprect haa been held aa IntbeLheanty jff a perfect May day and with all the pomp and circ*mstance iff a military funeral arid the rites of thd church, all-that waa mortal of Former Oovmor John R. Tanpcr waa consigned 6 soother earth Sunday ia beautiful I dale. Ridge cemetery la a spot well shaded with trees and almost within shadow of the national Lincoln monument 1,1 rt W1 Broom corn valued a' 9700,000, waa burned in a Chicago The.

corn waa owned by )T. I Rosenberg, a manufacturer; gunl isiM reslUra. Tha queen of Greece holds a unions position, for on account of bar great love for the aea the-tote Alexander III of Russia, made her an admiral of the Russian fleet instead giving her the customhry regiment. Her majesty 'to the only, woman admiral la the world. i Crash Treaty Only Lacks of A dispatch from says.

The Creek treaty passed the bouse of kings Friday by a vote, of 33 to 17, and It now awaits the signature of the governor to become a law. The passage of the treaty makes one iff the most important epochs in the history of the removing es itfloes, the uncertainty that haa made waiting capital; timid, The town ie wild with enthusiasm over the final passage of the treaty. Hundreds of thousands of dollars will be furnished Immediately to build bridge, railways and other enterprises that' have, been planned on paper for month For twenty yean the federal govern ment haa been trying to make a'treaty with-the Creeks, hat haa foiled anti) GUN 'EXPLODED IN HANDS. i i i Tceeg Mas KUls4 While HMtieg.Xsar Payaon Burnett, yonnpest eon E. P.

Burnett, a lawyer of Hutton, died recently from effects of aorideat with aVshot' gamX Burnett was a the employ of D. Kinne, a fonder, had' together7, with Minnas son, toft the field at an early hour to do a little dock anting on. a neighboring gnn need, by, Burnett waa an old one, not having been used for aome time, and instead of sending the charge ont of, the muscle threw it out of the rear, the charge and'. pieces'. of breech ia Buraetfa face; a ptoee of ated-penetrated the-skull, a hole the riaeofa dollar and lodging la the A 11 1 1 -I urain.

'V'. TRY TO WORK UP PREJUDICE la CsSi iplMl Vs of v. Shr-' Alfred MschiMryt. Hickman, oonaerrative, president' of the British Iron former association, in the bouse iff commons other day protested againit railroads which were controlled by the and i especially in Banach ia -continuing bpylng American looomqtlves, when the. report of inspector of Hamah railways mentioned hy.

I Lord Hamilton the Indian aeeretaryin, tha houaek 7 showed they required mote repairs and mora coal, fhagq looo-tnotivea of British makei, t' rrf 81 Alfred Hickman mado alle-gatioae Sgalnst the.Way firm is oonstructlngtha Vreat ta BnrnmhVf fer framdiky I'gfo Nr exonerates captain hall Was Asrasea ef OswardlsA Bat JivnikSr'eteu" The record of jtha coart; irtmi theuse of aptxln Newt llail, Hhited charged Htatea marine corps, who waa by Minister Conger with cowardice in oondectioB with the defenee of the legations at Pekin, hs jnai-trichcd Washington. Admiral ffemey haa promulgated, the finding in a tpccialprder Wl)lclj obmplelely exbheratea''CaptaIi HrII fpom thi ntianM. and flndafthil Hall from the charge, and that the only nutter enbatance-sustained ia the chargee is in' error of Judgment in ctmhrottoa with the withdrawal of bin tebopa ht a critical the Tartar wali, WILL'REST NEAR LtNC Jehu- to Be Burled (31 Martyr frld t. Te ye mains of. former Governor Tanner, rwill remain almost hraide those IVroident Lincoln-, in Oak IIE -wn Tanner, hia widow, haa purchased feet, located bn the driveway frotq the gatea to the Lincoln monument and about midway, between the.

gates the Lincoln, monument and probably 300 feet from the, latter and directly aonth of ikTIn tot the remains Governor he laid to rest The price paid the grohad waa 93,000. 1 -t Death MerphleA 1 Edgar -McCracken, an attendant at the Llnooln asylum committed suicide la Lnooln, by taking. 13 eenta worth of morphine. The immediate cause for hla deed lies in the fact that he had diaoovmd that hto wife, also aa had Ibeen clandestinely meeting Errett. who has for several months hetm an employe at the institution, I OIH Pa la felly Iejared, Annie, the twelve-year-rid daughter1 of Mr.

and Mrs. John Rrimer of flatter mouth, met with a painful fccei-dent. Kbe waa running acrou the street towards her home, and, la Attempting to step upon the aidewalk fell against the picket fence, auatalw-lag a painful fracture of the hone Ja her V'" 1 Fi- Mlstakea Wife tor Beryler- P. R. Rlehardapa of Louie ville, shot and killed hla wife, miataklag her for si burglar! It la thought she was walking la her sleep.

Richardson waS parried by the coroner. p--3 Was Dertevegee 5 lurabal bf -'Table Rock) jXe-i iniitruuted to -kill 'every dog found running at large on' the-atiWta after June 10, and which does not wear around its neck license tag, showing the payment of the canine tax. Mere hut CmIU SeleMe. Claud W. HudnalL aged thirty-two, a clothing merchant bf 8k Joe com-, mitted suicide at an unoccupied house southwest of the city.

He left a note saying his death was due to domestic difficulties. hiuhela or more thla season, D- Heltner and Clyde Courtney era Injured lu hull game at Oaceola. lloth rmt for1 a Sy ball and colllded. llcltxer iwaa knocked almost unooa- Frightful Collision of 8trot Cars Albmny, N. tm AH KUEIrORTY AH DUUHD a i.

Can KMt While anili'g at ruUSprod-- Seta'; Jletem a-M Weaaeu Setirtee Brakea Aral aaA L( Caaaa Nat Kaewa. cars raring for a switch while' rnanlng in opposite directions at tha rate of forty miles an hour coat firs lives Sunday' at Albany, Xew by a terrific eolliaion in -which over forty people were Injured, aome fatally and others aerioualy. The lobby of the local ppatofilcer'flned "-wlthrdead and wounded, hysterical women and children looking for relatives 5' and friends, aurgeona administering tern-porary relief and ambnlancea raring through' the rity taking the wounded to hospitals were the early intimations of the accident. The aoeae of the disaster, was a point about two mllea out of Grcenhuah, on the lias of. the Albany' A IludaoU.

The print whera the earn met oh the single track was a sharp curve, and so mat were both running and' ad sudden was the collision that' the motor-men never had time to put the barake before aonth bonnd Xa S3 had gone alaaoat through north ear Xa 17 and hung on the edge of a high bluff with Its toad of shrieking, mainied One motormaa waa pinioned up against the smashed front of the aonth bonnd ear, with both togs severed and killed while the other; one lived hut-; a few minutes. Fully JJO men, 'women and children', formed a struggling, shrirklttg pyramld, mixed with blood, detached portions of human liodk? and the wreckage. Some the non slightly injured of this men extri cated themselves and-began to pull penile out of the rear enda of the two end yelmoet one wee token out ln this way -and nearly alt were badly. Injured- i U--The women and children whojhad escaped Injury and death were hyater leal and added their cries po the ahrUka of the dying and mutilated. Men frith broken anna and dlatoated joints aud.btoody heads and foeea tried to feaaiat others who were more helpless Help had.

been from'- East Greehnah and vicinity, and In a Uttla time the brnlaed mean of humanity; with tbe matilated dead for a gruesome and allent company, were loaded on ex tra cars and taken to Albany. There ambnlanoea and phyalciana had been anmmoned and the poatofflee turned Into a morgue and An fast, as' the phyridnna donld fix np the wounded 'they were taken to thrir homes or to hospitals. With both motormen killed it ia hard to get to the real esuae of the nceldenf but It is anppoaed to ha ve been oq sc eonnt of the aonth bound car pairing a meeting point instead of waiting on the awitch, INCREASE IN -THE SALARIES reatmaaten la. Various Xebraaka Tsvsi te Bi' BMHtM, L. Wlllia haa' been appointed poatmnater at -Battle Crock, Madison county, Nebraska, vice F.

Montrose, resigned. The, Salaries of the'poat- maater at Creighton, Fnwnee City, lYrn, llciree, and Pone have been increased one hundred dollars per annum. Rural free dellveiy service will be tabllahed Jnly next at North Bend; Dodge county, with one carrier, VL. 1L MeCounriD lie ia to nerve population of over an eron of forty aquara miles. The poatofflee at Maplevllto is io he dlaoontinned.

are The salaries of these pnstmaatera hundred 'dollars to be in'eresaed one hundred per annnm after July 1: Franklin, Irona, MeOook, Madiaon, Norfolk "North Bend, North'; ITntte, Oakland, Omaha, ONeill, and Oaceola, Xew Assrleaar Hjrsia. At the -Cljlcago auditorium night during the eighth annual May festival concert of the Cook coqaty Sunday school, new American Hail Thou Land, by- (tod Selected, waa snag for the first time in The eompoaar is ff. Conradl of that city. The hymn was sang by a chorus of 1,000 female voices, assisted by an orchestra and grand organ and waa enthusiastically applauded by the aqr dience. -v Kills' Mia SlsUr.

5 Thomas 'aged sixteen, of Toronto, pah, shot and killed hlq tea yearold sister, Ryan says he tried to frighten hie aister by pointing a revolver at her and pulling 'the trig ger. He forgot that the fifth chamber waa loaded. The bullet hit the girt squarely in the forehead and she died shortly afterwards. Ryan la charged with murder. -v IWm in Actln.1 The commandoesqf 'KritriagerYaii Reenen add i'ouche dcWc)ud.

Sunday before dawn and hroaaed the railroad. They dashed southward, reinvading the moat populous districts of Gape Colony. Foucbe's commando haa been resting many weeks in the Zuurburg him Isnl links Henrik' Ibsen, tha Norwegian dramatist, has suffered a nrecsd stroke of apoplexy and hie condition ia almost rr y-'r- r- season why hundreds of thousands of women axe now in correspondence -with Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. her they can giro every symptom, so that when she is ready to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her correspondence with the patient than the physician can possibly obtain through a personal interview Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the result bf axoite pondenen Pinkham.

All such letters are considered absolutely confidential by Mrs. Pinkham, and are never published in any way or manner without the consent in writing of the patient rbui hundreds of women are so grateful. for ihe health which Pinkham and her medicinehave been able to restore to them This is the WV-' v- -5' rrf- 1 i fr "-t mr "1 rZ 0m (Disffl Vi symptoms of her, suffering, th. toct that km fcmHmaii.1 fthal 1 Smtmlv aaMkhtac, aa hm SahUahad Wirt LnuTtauusMaimiGa IN 3 OR 4 YEARS- in I5DEPEEDENCE ASSURED If ymi taka ap gu feomo la Western leeiVaf pleaty. IUimtnted pmpbtotij rlvlns wperisasas oi famwiswM havs be nm wsalihy ia iror lag wtaaa reports ol driegaies, etaad fall laformaUoa as to rod need rafiway rates caa I applies tioa so th Soperiateadeat a IsiBUMb Dspartmast of JaMrior, or to W.

aaJiT or to Tv. Beasott, 8m New Yorii Uf Hide-, Omaha. Neb. W.X.U.-L1XCOLX- NO.22-1001 h'hee laswcrtai Aivertlaeneata liadly Hestioa This TapeL 7 At r' -V i-s i that they not only consent to publishing their letters, but write viwg that this be done- in order that other women jv yt -t a r- who suffer maybe benefited, by their experience. Mrs.

pile Rice, Chelse' Wla, writes: Dlii wa Pnniix two yean I waa troublcfi with falling Hd tjamiwtlnB of tha womb.1 aaflarad very mafih with bearing-down fri-, iMtMiia, aad was ifot able to do -What 1- andnnd no one 'knows bat those who have Buffered as could endured no om kiQWi ft- -i Pater ilradithaw, colored, aged 43, fell dead from the government fence nronnd the pnatoffiee in Llneoln. Ove Indulgence In drink la auppoaod he thecana. Prom -IIoWp aUtlon In Xemaha eonnty comes the. word that Mr. and Mra.

E. O. Itradley, anl aged couple; 'were seriously Injured in runaway. It la believed both will recover. Xrarly'all of the Xebrakka.boya belonging to the regnlar volunteer in fan try reglmenU in the Philippines 1 are ndw attheir hxflng lately been muttered put at San Praneiaea Herman Trelceter, a carpenter at Plsttamonth, while ahlngllng a- roof 4i lost bis footboldand fell the ground, a diaUnce of thirty fret One leg was broken and he wan otherwlae Injured '-i'Vv.

Sneak thieves have been causing more or lew woe at Haatlnga. Four peracme have been nireated, and the police are hot on the trail pof the fifth to the lender whom they believe mi the-gang. Prank 3Iloek, aged 17, charged with daylight robbery committed at Ctolam udiy drag aayaelf across the floor. I doctored with the phyaiolana of this towator wren and grew Instead of better. My husband and friends wished me to write to yom, bat had no faith In pam nedi-etaea.

At last I became no bad that ooncluded to aak your advice. I received aa answer at onoe advising me to take ywsr VegetablaGMnpotindj and I did ao. Before I had taken two bottles I fait batter, and after I had taken five bottles tbero waa no happier woman on earth, fra was weU Believe me alwava grateful for the raeoveqr of mj Chelsea, haaIth.g-Mas. KLULftam, '4 'P nEVAIlD Hr 1 OwlM Mpk to tariy awhile at John T. SaStaMiri O' 1 -Z-'Zi lW.L.DOUCLAS $3.50 SHOES fJsrsZhSrS mil eeiiaa mi mar Is asf skat thsM fiS MallaUen'a institute for the dlaeemtna tUm of good behavior, otherwise kqown SN tha Kearney Jndualrial school Don C.

Wilson, Sergeant of Com- Puy PMth' volunteer Infantry, and a member of the rrgimenUl hand, after two years of service ia the Philippines, haa-retnrnod to his home, la, Lincoln. He hr a natural pen nrtlat and will noon depart for Xrw York to oomplete a eontse In a well known art. school. He will take up newspaper illustrating. Clinrlea White of West Lincoln, was ererely Injured by foiling on the rag ged pdge of a broken, pop- botUeThl -f.

glass entered Uw hack just above the hip Baking a deep gaah three laches long. The wound ia considered a very dangerous one. lie had juat recovered from an accident met, with while at work for the Llnooln Mattress factory where he waa seriously burned. A birthday party waa IU progrem at his the. injury was sustained during a friendly scuffle.

Jriia T. Rivet for seventeen years foreman ia the It. A carpenter shop atLinooIn, go to England on visittbis summer, sailing from Portland, Me. Jane SB. He will he ae-" eompanied by hla wife end daughters Anna and EtheL Treasurer Stauffer haa received notlee I that the state will receive a dividend of 99SS from 'the assets of the First National bank of Alma, which la 3.7 per oent of a deposit of 975,000 made bf ex-Treasnrer The bank closed its doors in January, and this is the first aad final dividend.

i A Oh faal, ssS Um WwtiaHke af Uw MsaHMhm MalaV.Ll ThwMiWIIt.l. Iwhl aasaru vaT- The egg contains a variety of sun-ataaces, and so the food or the haa mast be varied accordingly; grain of different kinds, lama had meat. Tags-tables, lime, aad one other article which should never he over looted, aad, that to grit FRAGRANT a psrfifil liquid deallfrles far tilt Tcaih uid oulh New She S0Z000NT LIQUID, 25c SOXODONTTOOTH POWDER, 2Sc -Large LIQUID aad POWDER, 75c At aU StdNs, or by Mad for thspriaa. HALLdb RUCKEU New Yerib 25' -V' -X'..

Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.